It’s the truth though. Even owning some common laboratory glassware could get you a charge in many places these days, regardless of your intent.Obviously in jest, but still...
It’s the truth though. Even owning some common laboratory glassware could get you a charge in many places these days, regardless of your intent.Obviously in jest, but still...
I really marvel at the brilliance our species is capable of producing. As someone whose intelligence (or lack of) seems to manifest more in the emotional realm than the mathematical or scientific, I have a ton of respect for hard scientists. For many of us, myself included, we run around stating things with too much certainty. Probably drives the scientists, who operate in a world where everything is on a scale of uncertainty, a little crazy.Science is science, an mode of thought, experiment, and unending review and reconsideration, that has raised the species from hunting and gathering to genetics and the cosmos. The answers science provides may serve people, but people can never order up the answers that they choose. Usually, what people choose to believe about unanswered questions, however well intended, is exploded by research. Often scientists learn the most by figuring out how and why they are wrong. Science advances by thousands of studies many of which seem useless or frivolous until they are put together with the vast array of others to reveal an unsuspected truth. That's when it delivers inventions, insight, cures, and benefits, while punishing premature presumptions about what we know to date. It is a beautiful tool. Having spent more than thirty years working with biomedical researchers, not as one of them, but as a writer and editor on the subject, I celebrate the steadfastness and discipline with which they work, and lament the lack of education in science that would make appreciation and understanding of it more general. We abandon science at our peril, as it is often our only help.
mechanical engineering, it's not the same.What drive me nuts are practicing Physicians!
Don't want them practicing on me. When are they going to get it right?
Science is science, an mode of thought, experiment, and unending review and reconsideration, that has raised the species from hunting and gathering to genetics and the cosmos. The answers science provides may serve people, but people can never order up the answers that they choose. Usually, what people choose to believe about unanswered questions, however well intended, is exploded by research. Often scientists learn the most by figuring out how and why they are wrong. Science advances by thousands of studies many of which seem useless or frivolous until they are put together with the vast array of others to reveal an unsuspected truth. That's when it delivers inventions, insight, cures, and benefits, while punishing premature presumptions about what we know to date. It is a beautiful tool. Having spent more than thirty years working with biomedical researchers, not as one of them, but as a writer and editor on the subject, I celebrate the steadfastness and discipline with which they work, and lament the lack of education in science that would make appreciation and understanding of it more general. We abandon science at our peril, as it is often our only help.
As a Civil Engineer, I was hoping this conversation would remain genteel, polite and succinct, which it has. Carry on.mechanical engineering, it's not the same.'s all the Dunning-Kruger effect.
I am curious... Do you mean on a corporate level? Like are you in a lab in a University or working for a research group, or a corporation that develops things?I am a biomedical researcher, sitting in a lab as I type, and preparing to give a departmental seminar this afternoon about my research. I can tell you, as an "insider," that the "quest for truth" in science is pure idealism. The arc of the career of a research scientist depends upon them ingratiating themselves to their scientific superiors, towing the line and supporting dogma. How "brilliant" you are depends entirely on how creatively and vigorously you read from the script your superiors give you. Academia is broken. If I knew then what I know now, I would have chosen a different career path. Science and the quest for truth are lofty ideals, but thousands of brilliant ideas are brought to light each day and die a quiet death.