I like this science website. Lots of interesting and reliable articles that are summaries of peer reviewed studies in a way that's easy to read.

That reminds me of my late Prof who did basic research in plant physiology. He was a devout catholik. Once he told me he had studied Biology in spite of the evolution theory. And he was far away from giving any creatonistic explanations.
Growing up in a very fundamentalist church, I always heard that evolution and big bang were just parts of creationalism... explained that before there was a brain to register and contemplate days as being the rise and fall of the sun... time was subjective. I am not even sure when it became a thing to separate them as two different theories. I had thought all of that was hashed out long before I was born.
Really? You'd deny someone their beliefs? Wow!If I could go back in time I'd have some harsh words for those in charge at your church.
Really? You'd deny someone their beliefs? Wow!
IBTL I apologize for even mentioning religion in a previous post. I thought we could handle such without reproaching someone's beliefs. As usual I was way off base.
Theres a scientist out there who will make the case for a 2000 year old earth..
I was really suprised when a few years ago German Universities started offering 'homeopathy' as optional compulsory subject for medical students.
With science, "ridiculous subjects" come with the territory. Some are ridiculous because they are seemingly useless.