A Brief Word For Science

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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 14, 2018
Edmonton, AB
I like this science website. Lots of interesting and reliable articles that are summaries of peer reviewed studies in a way that's easy to read.

Mar 1, 2014
That reminds me of my late Prof who did basic research in plant physiology. He was a devout catholik. Once he told me he had studied Biology in spite of the evolution theory. And he was far away from giving any creatonistic explanations.

Well now that the cat's out of the bag...
This is one of the biggest schisms in scientific research. Every time the subject of origins comes up it doesn't matter how many studies you can cite or how rigorous the peer review was, people holding an opposing worldview will reject any research not done under their own banner. They proudly proclaim their echo chamber.

Growing up in a very fundamentalist church, I always heard that evolution and big bang were just parts of creationalism... explained that before there was a brain to register and contemplate days as being the rise and fall of the sun... time was subjective. I am not even sure when it became a thing to separate them as two different theories. I had thought all of that was hashed out long before I was born.

If I could go back in time I'd have some harsh words for those in charge at your church.

In the end the subject of origins can only be researched in accordance with a person's own bias, everyone has taken a stance on the metaphysical and conducts research accordingly.
The problem comes when one group asserts that science can be invalidated by taking a different worldview, when in reality scientific principles can exist within almost any framework of universe you want, and even within popular research the assertion of reality beyond the scope of tools we have now is common, but those assertions will only be rejected if it comes tied to associations that make people feel uncomfortable (religion).
Mar 1, 2014
Really? You'd deny someone their beliefs? Wow!

IBTL I apologize for even mentioning religion in a previous post. I thought we could handle such without reproaching someone's beliefs. As usual I was way off base.

In this case it's a matter of internal affairs, not a public dispute.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 5, 2020
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
On 'what is science?'
During my wife's pregnancies we went to a gynecologist who also prescribed homeopathic dilutions, globules etc. I asked her how these drugs could cure someone because at the least when the dilution had passed D23 there would be left not a single molecule of the original solution. (It's like putting one drop into the Atlantic Ocean). She was very kind and explained that by shaking every sucessive dilution step not neccesarily a substance but a kind of healing information would be transfered. IMHO this is questionable and I was really suprised when a few years ago German Universities started offering 'homeopathy' as optional compulsory subject for medical students.


Feb 21, 2013
With science, "ridiculous subjects" come with the territory. Some are ridiculous because they are seemingly useless. Others because they substantiate the obvious that people have seen with their own eyes. But a great many studies seem ridiculous because they are so particularized that their use is unimaginable to the casual lay reader, but the purpose is powerful. One study won the "Golden Fleece" award for developing a hind limb strength device used with rats, with the rats prompted to leap with a puff of air. Useless and stupid cried the critics. When it was explained that the device was useful in testing contaminants and drugs related to various disabling diseases in children, that gave people pause. When the full fury of parents and disease lobbies hit the fan, the Golden Fleece Award was retracted with profuse apologies. One person's ridiculous is another's miracle.


Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
With science, "ridiculous subjects" come with the territory. Some are ridiculous because they are seemingly useless.

There was a paper we were using on the computational modeling of the dynamic response of buttock tissue. Sounds odd but useful in the design of crashworthy aircraft seats.
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