I tapped my vast experience as a professional educator to create another 10 point quiz.
Finish the following sentences:
1. Grape flavored tobacco...
2. The Captain of the Black Frigate is...
3. Penzance is...
Select the most correct answer to the following questions:
4. I have been to ___ pipe shows in the past year?
a. 1
b. 2
c. all of them
d. wait, there's pipe shows?
5. My favorite member of the YouTube Pipe Community (YTPC) is
a. Eric "the Blue Collar" Smoker
b. "Muttonchop Piper"
c. A&B were the only two I knew
d. the YTPC is stupid
6. How many online pipe forums are there?
a. 5
b. 10
c. I don't know
d. There can be only one, and you're on it buster!
7. What is the best pipe smoking movie?
a. The Quiet Man
b. Lord of the Rings
c. I'll have to look it up in another thread
d. Whichever one I'm watching
8. A pipe rest is...
a. Whenever I take a break from my pipe
b. Whenever the pipe is not at motion
c. Not necessary if you've got a sitter
9. Is this a pipe? Yes or No?
10. Identify this famous pipe smoker.
a. Warren Beatty
b. Sherlock Holmes
c. Sean Connery
d. Howard Hughes