Many years ago artists, musicians, etc were "adopted" by the rich (royalty), their expenses covered by such. They wrote/painted/created under this largess. Then the "common" rich did the same, many of the moneyed types were raised with the notion that it was duty of the wealthy to underwrite the arts and provide support for the poor. In our day, record labels provided this support for writers and singers, etc of music. The rich still continued to nurture painters and writers, as did publishers and art dealers. Record labels, hoping to profit, signed singers and such to exclusive contracts. Sport did/does the same, risking money, hoping for a return.
There are some here who obviously strive to support specific carvers, commissioning pipes or favoring one or two carvers through purchases. A couple of members simply cannot get their brain around the idea that people with discretionary moneys, spend those coins in a manner which boggles their wee, closed minds. The simple desire to support a specific carver, to encourage his work, cannot be reconciled within the mind of these types. It simply does not compute.
Those that instinctively detest the wealthy do so from jealousy and envy alone. Those people are unwilling to take the necessary risks and, as "metal" writes, act impulsively, without knowledge or thought.
There are rich and poor who deserve/merit disdain. There are rich/poor who deserve/merit accolades from society.