Funny. I doubt I'd spend $6,500 on a pipe. But I wouldn't use that single fact about someone else to label them as "sick" or "ridiculous."
As for whether someone spending $6,500 renders one "sick" or "ridiculous," I'd need to know a lot more about they guy to render such a judgment -- presuming I were arrogant enough to imagine it was my place to judge him at all. In my business [which includes advising and representing some enormous businesses] I have known many spectacularly wealthy people. Some of them have been kind-hearted humanitarians who built businesses and charities that made literally thousands of others' lives better. On the other hand, some rich folks have proven themselves to be reprehensible, vile, dangerous, rapacious scoundrels.
I have also, in my business and my personal life [which include pro bono representation of women at risk and overseas disaster relief] known and worked for some of the poorest, most disadvantaged people in world. I have found some of those folks to be kind-hearted humanitarians who do everything in their power to make the lives around them better. And I have known some poor folks who little better than feral predators, heaping yet more misery upon the miserable.
Why, it's ALMOST as if the amount of money a person has, or the amount that a person might spend on a pipe, has NOTHING at all salient to say about that person's character.
On the other hand, I DO find extremely telling even a single statement by a guy who imagines for even a moment he has the right or authority to tell any other human being how to dispose of the fruit of his own labor.
Sadly, throughout time, far too many folks have shared this view, that they somehow own or should control the product of other men's labors. All too often, instead of just whining on the internet, they have actually been able to attain power and make good on their views. [We call such people tyrants.]