I watched that one from the sidelines. Nice score!
I love the silver-work around the gourd- SWEET!
I've been wanting an old gourd calabash for a while. Oddly enough I just purchased one from ebay about an hour ago........ It's from 1910. I'm excited for its arrival.
Okay, I think I hate you now, lol. Seriously, what a fantastic score you lucky dog. How do you do it? Auction implants that stream search results directly into your cerebral cortex? Because … I’d consider that procedure if it nets these results.
Well... I now remember what extreme jealousy feels like. ?
Seriously though, what a beautiful pipe. You are quite fortunate to aquire such a treasure. I will be looking forward to seeing the finished restoration.
That's a very cool find and the sliverwork is top notch! There seems to be a period, roughly 1908 thru 1912, mas o menos, where a lot of calabashes were made, given that the preponderant number of them that turn up are from this period.