Funny you should mention jazz/classicql music. In a former life (until my 2nd year of college) I was a classical trumpet player. For most of my life I didn't like or "get" the vast majority of modern jazz, or the more abstract, less melody driven kind. You'd think I'd have been a Miles Davis fan, but I wasn't impressed with him either.
A couple years ago I was a little bored with my usual music, which covers a lot of ground but not jazz. I decided that dammit, I'm going to buckle down and go through Amazon music until I start to like jazz, or die trying. Pretty soon I found Art Blakey's "Moanin'", and the first track grabbed me. I could "feel" it, which wasn't the case with the more abstract stuff or classical music.
So now I enjoy jazz more, but I'd rather listen to Lee Morgan than Miles Davis.