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2 Fresh Scott Thile Pipes
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12 Fresh BriarWorks Pipes
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  1. M

    Cobs vs Briars

    I smoke my corncobs mostly, this website has nice stems for MM corncobs, I have the "fire swirl 4-3/4 bent" - stem on a bent "country gentleman" Missouri Meerschaum pipe, it looks very cool imho. It is my current favorite pipe. But, like...
  2. M

    Need to lose weight

    Yeah, actually photoman, with him only having to lose 15 pounds over some months I doubt it would hinder him very much for his case.
  3. M

    Need to lose weight

    I've lost 90+ pounds in the last 6 months on slimgenics. (its great but dont cheer yet, I have another 90 to go... lol) basically dont eat anything that comes in a box, bag, or can. (except for prunes and frozen produce) The meat department and produce department are your friends. drink at least...
  4. M

    My new Stanwell!!

    Grats, looks nice. :)
  5. M

    Everyday Carry Knife - What Do You Carry?

    I have a little 3 blade Buck "303 Cadet" knife, (not sure where it is right now... doh!) but its a great handy little knife. Also have an old sweet Benchmade folder but it needs sent in for refurbishment, missing a few screws, still usable tho. I have a concealed handgun permit and when I do...
  6. M

    What's The Coolest Smoking Tobacco You Have Experienced?

    Might sound funny to suggest because it isnt fancy, but Prince Albert was cool in my memory, and extremely mild with a decent but kinda' boring taste.. I still have some but it's been a long time, need to try it again. I'm thinking it would be a good starter. Good luck, cool that you have a gal...
  7. M

    What Are You Smoking - September 2012

    Favorite setup as of this post is Dunhill 965 in my Missouri Meerschaum "General", with Dunhill London Mix being a possible equal love.
  8. M

    Why my Saturday morning was better than yours...

    Darn nice morning there sailor :) Sounds great, nicely shared! My morning was nice too in a different way, I went to my Saturday morning weigh-in and hit both my 85 and 90 pound loss mile-stones. :) For the pipe-world... I took a real nice walk tonight around the neighborhood with my corncob...
  9. M

    Moustache Note

    av8r, I imagine that would be a pretty common sentiment :) Maybe best to get a fake mustache or 3. Could trade them out for aromatics and otherwise, dedicate one to a favorite blend, lots of possibilities there.
  10. M

    Moustache Note

    /signed Need to add this attribute to tobacco reviews :) Sadly, my facial hair is terribly lacking for a beard especially, and a mustache is a bad look on me too. Is it bad form to smell someone else's mustache if you can't grow your own?
  11. M

    Churchwarden: Who has em and how often smoked

    My first briar I bought was a churchwarden, it has a small bowl and gets pretty hot. Wish I had bought a bigger and thicker bowl version. I love it tho' the long stem is just nice, it reaches to me, and lets me be even slightly more lazy/relaxed than I usually am when having a pipe. It is nice...
  12. M

    What do I get for my money?

    Eric I think I'm agreeing with you on the corncobs, I just used one of my missouri meerschaums for the first time in a long time and it is GREAT. It is the total baseline cheapy from Walgreens no less. I got a very noticably more distinct taste from my Dunhill 965 and also London Mix out of it...
  13. M

    So My Calabash Arrived After All (pic heavy!!!)

    That thing is sweet! I will obtain one someday... :)
  14. M

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, Jeff here, my screen name "mikros" means small or little in greek, Im 6'3" and not exactly "small" lol my screen name comes from a dwarf toon I played on an MMORPG. Far as pipes go my first one was a reed-stem clay pipe I bought as a prop basically for a furtrade re-enacting and...