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  1. hugh

    G.L. Pease Key Largo Review

    I've got a few tins of cigar blends waiting to be cracked open. What's the ghosting like with these sorts of blends?
  2. hugh

    Cleaning woman cleans up modern art.

    I hope that's a typo...
  3. hugh

    Who Makes Pretty & Funky Pipes (fancy Lucite Stems etc)

    Tsuge, available at Quite pricey though. There are those Savinelli black and white stemmed pipes as well, a bit garish IMHO.
  4. hugh

    Great Pipe Tobacco ad on youtube

    Surely they can still do ads online. BMW had a series of ads that breached car advertising laws, showing high speed chases.
  5. hugh

    In praise of Irish Flake

    I'm smoking some now because of this thread, I put 3/4 tin in a mason jar a couple of months ago and have to take back anything bad I've said about IF.
  6. hugh

    In praise of Irish Flake

    It tastes/smells like it's got a licorice or aniseed topping. I personally didn't like it very much, but I'm a newbie, so take my criticism for what it's worth.
  7. hugh

    Baki meerschaum custom orders?

    Yeah, I like one of the Altinok pipes a lot. I wonder how he'd feel about copying a Baki pipe? :oops:
  8. hugh

    Baki meerschaum custom orders?

    I was umming and aahing over a pipe a couple of days ago and some lucky son-of-a-gun pulled the trigger before I did. I see that Baki isn't taking orders until next year. Have any of you gotten pipes made up by Baki before? Did it cost more to specify what kind of pipe you wanted? I want to buy...
  9. hugh

    Positive Perception Of Public Pipe

    I only get negative comments when I smoke Nightcap, from cigarette smokers even. I can see where they're coming from though.
  10. hugh

    Pipes and Cigars spelled Customer First!

    Nothing but good experiences with Pipes and Cigars for me too. Quick replies, quick shipping, good prices. The only thing they could improve on is posting measurements of chamber sizes.
  11. hugh

    Are Any Aussies Here Importing Their Tobacco?

    Haha. I haven't looked into growing tobacco, I wouldn't trust myself with the curing. There's a bit of a black market of cigarettes in some states, not so much where I am. How much tobacco would you get per acre? I've got a bit of land in the country...
  12. hugh

    Are Any Aussies Here Importing Their Tobacco?

    An Aussie dollar is about the same as the greenback. We have a serious nanny state problem here. A bottle of midrange whiskey, say Jim Beam, is about $35 dollars. A pint of beer at the bar is about $10. There's a social contract though, when you eventually succumb to your vices, the state will...
  13. hugh

    Are Any Aussies Here Importing Their Tobacco?

    Go hard or go home, haha. I'm not a betting man, but I'm always looking for a way to pay less. If my current shipment gets caught, I'll owe customs about $600... The only shops I've dealt with in Australia are an overpriced cigar shop in Perth, about $50 a tin for Petersons and Mac Baren...
  14. hugh

    Are Any Aussies Here Importing Their Tobacco?

    First post, thought I'd chime in. As you know, taxes are very high. $450/kg + 10% of the price paid for the tobacco inc. shipping. I've gotten a couple of kilos through untaxed, I haven't been stung by the taxman yet. From what I gather, it's a good idea to pay extra for the quickest shipping...