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  1. C

    What a corncob pipe :/

    I don't have any of my cobs handy, but doesn't MM put a wood plug on the bottom of theirs?
  2. C

    Expensive Dunhill???

    I had originally thought the Seller accidentally typed an extra zero in the price, but I guess this isn't the case.
  3. C

    Straight Virginias

    I'd like to suggest Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Twist Flake. An all VA flake that just improves with age.
  4. C

    need help with a pipe I.D. Image heavy

    The "stinger" condenser gives it away immediately without needing to see the cloverleaf logo. It is a Kaywoodie pipe. Can't help you with age or whether that is an original painted surface.
  5. C

    Show Us Your Tobacco Stash

    Hi Y'all, Here's my pipe tobacco & cigar cabinet. I keep track of my cellar online at Note: I have no affiliation with them.
  6. C

    Briar Exorcism. Can it be done?

    You can clean/sweeten your briar pipes by using the Salt Cleaning Method. Another inexpensive method for you to not ghost that pipe is for you to purchase a few corn cob pipes ($5-7) to smoke from. When adding the alcohol, take care to not get any on the outside of the bowl as it will strip...
  7. C

    Amboyna?? revisited.....with pics

    Hi everyone, I just signed-up here because of this posting, I normally post on another pipe forum. Amboynia is the burl form of Narra wood (Pterocarpus indicus) and it can have toxic affects to people depending on their sensitivities. This includes respiratory problems from inhaling sawdust and...