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  1. stelton

    Kopp to Handle "Worldwide Distribution" of HU Tobaccos

    Sry my mistake. Of course whats on the list will be gone soon.
  2. stelton

    Kopp to Handle "Worldwide Distribution" of HU Tobaccos

    Hello, unfortunatelly have bad news. Hans replied this. It means relly tobacco not mentioned in the list will be discontinued :-( M. Hi Mirek, sorry für die späte Antwort. Leider fallen alle DTM Blends aus dem Programm. Da es ja von mir kreierte Mischungen sind, werden sie...
  3. stelton

    If you could only smoke one blend...

    Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake
  4. stelton

    Morning Blends

    I usually start my smoking day with a small bowl of G&H Dark Birds Eye.
  5. stelton

    Kopp to Handle "Worldwide Distribution" of HU Tobaccos

    Wrote direct email to Hans - what does his post on Facebook mean - if mentioned tobaccos are completely discontinued or just fell off international distribution. Will keep you posted.
  6. stelton

    Recent TAD Pick-Ups

    package from Germany
  7. stelton

    How Many Blends in Your Cellar?

    167 blends - about 180 pounds. 96 pounds in tin, the rest in the jars.
  8. stelton

    Favorite Oriental Blends?

    My favourite is unequivocally Gordon Pym
  9. stelton

    ***What Are You Smoking, October 2023?***

    HU Edward G in Chacom
  10. stelton

    Favorite Peterson Blends

    3 P´s - still have some tins in my cellar
  11. stelton

    Recent TAD Pick-Ups

    Very nice and sweet Va without any topping. Originally, the entire "Four Seasons Serie - Irish Spring, English Summer, Scottish Autumn and Winter Time" was created in collaboration with SG and Stanislaw (a Czech pipe tobacco and cigar manufacturer) and intended only for the local market as a...
  12. stelton

    Recent TAD Pick-Ups

    Postman always rings twice
  13. stelton

    Do You Smoke Clay Pipes?

    tried clay pipes several times, but cannot stand the feeling of "clay" on my lips. also like to hold a pipe between my teeth which is hard to imagine with a clay pipe
  14. stelton

    Core Four

    Currently my Top Four/five :) are: Mellow Mallard or Scottish Autumn - Virginia Edward G - VaPer Gordon Pym - Orientals plus a touch of Latakia - English Out of Africa - Aromatic
  15. stelton

    ***What Are You Smoking, October 2023?***

    yes - it was his site - his brother makes some pipes from time to time, but not regularly. Mister Hodula died approx. 5 years ago.
  16. stelton

    ***What Are You Smoking, October 2023?***

    Gordon Pym from Hodula pipe. Hodula was a local manufacturer who died prematurely of heart attack before his 35 th birthday. Great guy with big, unfortunatelly ill heart. Have several of his pipes - all af them are great smokers.
  17. stelton

    What's your First Bowl in the Morning ?

    Mostly G&H Dark Birds Eye in a Peterson Belgique fishtail with a teapot with green tea on the side
  18. stelton

    Greetings from Czech Republic

    Thank you all. YES from the land of famous Czech pipe tool 😁
  19. stelton

    Greetings from Czech Republic

    I have been watching and reading here for some time and I would like to introduce myself. my name is Mirek and I am from the Czech Republic (Central Europe). I have been smoking a pipe for about 15 years and I envy my colleagues in the USA the choice and price of tobacco :)