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  1. R

    Troubles with Sunset Breeze

    It's weird about the QC thing - I had Connoisuers Choice about 1.5 years ago and thought it was great, just got another tin and its nowhere near as nice as before.
  2. R

    What was your worst tasting tobacco?

    Samuel Gawith Dark Cherry. Scarred for life, I'll never try another cherry blend again!
  3. R

    Good First English Blends?

    Another vote for Petersons Old Dublin, good way to ease into the style. Available everywhere here in the UK too! Alot of the above suggestions aren't unfortunately. I can't really reccommend Dunhill Early Morning Pipe though - I found it to be bland and ashy, and just a bit boring really. Maybe...
  4. R

    1Q who wooda thunk

    Here in England we can't get 1q, but someone said macbaren 7 seas gold is very similar on another thread. How accurate is this? Any other suggestions? Cheers!
  5. R

    ideas for tamper

    When I was little my dad used to keep his plane at a old ww2 airfield called Spanhoe here in England, where B-17s used to fly from. In an old overgrown bunker there I found some used .303 shells from Enfield rifles. I've still got them and figured one might make a good historical tamper with...
  6. R

    Butz Choquin - Whats your opinion?

    Very nice looker! I suspect mine gurgles due to the really narrow diametre shank/stem channel. Would this be a reasonable assumption?
  7. R

    Butz Choquin - Whats your opinion?

    I just thought I'd have a go at this used one, since it was in nice condition and I was curious. I suppose I need to give it a bit more smoking time before being too harsh in opinion, but I am amazed at how quickly and suddenly it gets hot. Does look nice though!
  8. R

    Butz Choquin - Whats your opinion?

    Well, I finally managed to get back into the swing of forum chat after a few months off, with a new thread. And as the title says, it Butz Choquin pipes, and what people think of them. I recently won an estate BC Calabash Junior Super (smooth) on ebay. It has a lovely appearance, apart from...
  9. R

    Squardon Leader!

    It's not bad, but I found it alot better after a significant amount of drying. However I now enjoy Old Dublin more. Oh and if you guys are frustrated trying to get Squadron Leader over there, try getting GL Pease tobaccos here in the UK, I haven't found one retailer yet. Now that IS frustrating...
  10. R

    Falcon...Initial thoughts....

    I would go for can keep a couple of the nicer stems and bowls and maybe sell the rest, so you wouldn't be out much on expense.
  11. R

    Falcon...Initial thoughts....

    To be honest I don't think the smoke is revolutionary enough to make it worth buying over a traditional pipe, and yes, I too like wood better than metal. However, liking my little gadgets (loving the Powerball I just bought ha ha), this pipe is a little bit 'gadgetety' too, so holds my interest...
  12. R

    Best packing methods for beginners.

    I've been experimenting with a method whereby I take enough tobacco to fill the whole bowl, then place in my palm and make a fist (lightly), so 'squeezing it' into a ball/oblong shape and pushing it into the pipe, not too hard, just to below the rim. I suppose its a bit like the stuffing method...
  13. R

    Lane Ltd. to be Sold to Scandinavian Tobacco for $205 Million

    All i can say is perhaps we might see some Lane 1Q in England, since everyone always sings it's praises but annoyingly it cant be found here!
  14. R

    Falcon...Initial thoughts....

    Well they're certainly not the prettiest, but you can get the brown anodised one which is a bit more wood reminiscent, or the International which is much more like a traditional pipe and takes both filters and dry rings I believe - maybe you can swing it with her on the health grounds perhaps...
  15. R

    Falcon...Initial thoughts....

    Well, I thought I'd try a Falcon to see what all the fuss was about. After all, people compliment them all over tye world, so I bought an old one off ebay. So, after cleaning it up, I had a smoke. Since I didn't have any dry rings I thought I'd just try using a pipe cleaner bent into a ring...
  16. R

    Peterson Pipes

    Good choice on the Kinsale! I've got the xl12 smooth, hangs nicely in the mouth too. I recommend one!
  17. R

    Dunhill Early Morning Pipe - Pipe Tobacco Reviews

    I've recently been getting away from aromatics and into blends like Squadron Leader, Old Dublin and Best Brown Flake for example. Would this be a good choice in view of me getting into the ones I just mentioned? Many thanks!
  18. R

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Thanks for the warm welcome chaps! I've done loads of research online and 1Q is mentioned all over, unfortunately in the UK it doesn't seem to be available? I've seen a couple of alternatives about that I can get hold of, but they got poor reviews. I'll keep searching though! Cheers
  19. R

    Brussel Sprouts Are Actually Delicious

    What great post - I love me sprouts! I can say I was a fussy eater from a young age, but strangely loved Brussels. Lots of thick gravy on top with loads of salt and pepper. Yum! Try them in a curry too if you like them, you won't be disappointed! Any sprout flavoured tobaccos about? ha ha
  20. R

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hello everyone! I've been a bit of what they call a 'lurker' on forums, thought I would join up and contribute and be a bit useful if I can! Been smoking pipes for a year now, and own 6 pipes with another in the mail as we speak! :-) I started with the usual aromatics such as petersons, Alsbo...