Falcon...Initial thoughts....

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Jan 2, 2011
Well, I thought I'd try a Falcon to see what all the fuss was about. After all, people compliment them all over tye world, so I bought an old one off ebay.
So, after cleaning it up, I had a smoke. Since I didn't have any dry rings I thought I'd just try using a pipe cleaner bent into a ring shape as many other people report to do. Tobacco used was MacBarens Mixture Scottish Blend. OK, so it did smoke cooler, and i could appreciate the taste of the tobacco. And WOW! That pipe cleaner ring was FILTHY! And completely soggy. I was quite surprised when I unscrewed the bowl and had a look post smoke.
However, I did find that while the smoke was a bit cooler and smoother, it was a bit muted, so to speak. A bit like using my 9mm churchwarden pipe slightly takes the edge off flavour.

So there you go, thought I'd share my basic initial experience with you all, hope I've not waffled too much! I'm going to try some Alsbo Black in it tonight, so will update sometime soon.




Mar 9, 2010
I've been sort of wanting one too, but my wife vetos it. She says they are ugly :D. Maybe I'll use you as a case for getting one.



Jan 2, 2011
Well they're certainly not the prettiest, but you can get the brown anodised one which is a bit more wood reminiscent, or the International which is much more like a traditional pipe and takes both filters and dry rings I believe - maybe you can swing it with her on the health grounds perhaps!
Also consider a 9mm filter pipe too, I think the experience is similar and smokes really cool. (big ben 9mm churchwarden)



Dec 29, 2010
At the risk of offending my Falcon-loving brethern, I must confess I have never been convinced of their merits, aesthetically speaking. Very superficial, I know, but it's not enough for a pipe to be a good smoke for me; it has to look good too. I suppose I have always associated pipes with wood - the very earthiness of pipe-smoking is one of the things I love about it - and metal just looks very industrial and inorganic. I am open-minded, however, and happy to be alleviated of my misconceptions!



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2010
Newberry, SC
I have two Falcons and a couple Vikings. It's timing with me. I don't think it's what the difference is other than the fact that I have smoked it and will again.

They really need spare bowls. So I grab them whenever I am able for the bowls if nothing else.



Mar 9, 2010
My Stanwell HCA has space for a 9mm filter. I never use a filter though..just don't have the need for one.
My wife brought up a good point: When you can have a Stanwell almost for the price of a Falcon, then the choice is obvious.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
these come down to the same issue as cobs for me, I just don't want to spend money on, or even own something that ugly...and falcons are quite a lot pricier than cobs to boot (though pragmatically I understand this).
Oddly it isn't the metal part that gets me, I own two Kiseru I simply adore though I hardly have cause to use them (that'll change if I ever get my hands on koiki) -- but they are hardly so. . .steam-punk as the falcons and the like are.
On a semi-related note I was surprised the first time I saw a Porsche model pipe and said the same thing about it I say about the car -- how the hell can they justify charging that much to make a an look like an utter ass.
Anyway, yeah .. . aesthetics are just as important to me as how ell it smoke -- unless the pipe used to be pretty but is now old and worn in and done by my hands over years of friendship with it. . . then aesthetics no longer mean a damned thing. But in a sense, that is an aesthetic appeal in-of-itself.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
I have three although thay are not Falcons . I do enjoy them and they are great for the garage and yard . Here is a link for everything about metal pipes . http://www.smokingmetal.co.uk/



Jan 2, 2011
To be honest I don't think the smoke is revolutionary enough to make it worth buying over a traditional pipe, and yes, I too like wood better than metal. However, liking my little gadgets (loving the Powerball I just bought ha ha), this pipe is a little bit 'gadgetety' too, so holds my interest even though it is ugly!

I think I'll use it to keep at work in my desk, knowing that it won't really be damaged rattling about in my drawer. I've got to say, I do get a kick out of seeing all the liquid/gunk when I unscrew the bowl after a smoke (of course this amount will depend on the blend).
As for 9mm filter pipes, I never saw the need for them but after getting one, I'd say there's definately a place in people's collections for them. Bet I'm going to get a ribbing for saying that ;-)



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
I dislike filter pipes, for the same reasons I dislike filtered cigarettes, but I certainly appreciate the appeal of. . .for lack of a better word (given that I find them to be weak, or for some reason distasteful) a "cleaner" smoke.



Jan 2, 2011
I would go for it....you can keep a couple of the nicer stems and bowls and maybe sell the rest, so you wouldn't be out much on expense.



Nov 24, 2010
The Falcon, in my opinion is a brilliant all day smoke. Great for travel too, when you don't want the hassle of a briar rotation. Use mine most days as it's so easy to keep clean and never gives a bad smoke!



Might Stick Around
Jan 19, 2011
Hello Stevewales, I got a Falcon a couplr of weeks ago; 'have to agree with you..what a great little pipe. I purchased the internat'bent, its the only one that I like the look of! I got it (new) for £18 but in another tobacconists not too far away it retails for £36. I will have to go back there and get some more bowls while they (the newsagents) are selling them off.Yep, I'm quite a fan now. Mike



Might Stick Around
Dec 22, 2010
Never felt drawn to try the Falcon due to the look and the round bowl doesn't seem to fit my hand as comfortable as my other pipes..... but with all the discussion I may just chance it, go out on the edge of the pipe smoking world and have a go. Maybe.....

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