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107 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
12 Fresh Vauen Pipes
12 Fresh Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Pipes
120 Fresh Peterson Pipes
4 Fresh Austin Quinlan Pipes

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  1. R

    Lighters: Brebbia 'Bowl Flame' Pipe Lighter

    I have three of them and I am quite satisfied, the flame isn't aggressive as normal jet lighters and I use them to light cigars too...
  2. R

    What's your First Bowl in the Morning ?

    Always aromatics in the morning for me, in particular W.O. Larsen Scarlet Passion
  3. R

    Your Opinions on Morta

    I have two of them and to me they are especially good with English/Balkan. They are light end always perfectly dry at the end of the smoke
  4. R

    Dating Kohlhase & Kopp Tins?

    I have a tin of Robert McConnell Old London with the code A/AD/A/W, so it looks like they use two letters codes for the day, when appropriate. By the way, this should mean 14 january 2023 in my case, but I sense the orientals in the blend and I understand the mix is changed in the last years, so...
  5. R

    Tobacconists in Siviglia, Cordoba and Malaga

    Anyway I've just read a list of tobacco prices in Spain, dated April 30, and they are still very lower than here in Italy...
  6. R

    Tobacconists in Siviglia, Cordoba and Malaga

    ah very well, thanks, so there's a chance in Malaga too...
  7. R

    Tobacconists in Siviglia, Cordoba and Malaga

    My daughter will soon be in Spain for a holiday, so can someone suggest good pipe tobacco vendors in these cities? Many thanks in advance
  8. R

    Is Pipe Smoking Fading Into History?

    Well here in Italy there's not much people smoking a pipe in public, but recently a tobacconist in a supermarket in Milan told me that the consumption of pipe tobacco and cigars is increasing, so there is still hope...
  9. R

    Tobaccos I miss

    Charatan Virginia Three Year Matured is very close (much more then McConnel's version) and very good IMO
  10. R

    Ditching Cigarettes Questiong?

    I too used to smoke cigarettes, though not so many as you; then I started to alternate with pipes for some years and finally I said to myself: "why should I go on with cigarettes if I don't like them anymore?". So I switched totally to pipes. And so I think you can do if you want...
  11. R

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to You All!!!
  12. R

    Tobacconists in New York City

    And this is the beautiful selection of tobaccos that my daughter brought back from New York, all taken from Barclay Rex. Thanks again to all for your advice
  13. R

    Pisa, Italy: Tobacconists/Pipe Shops in the Area?

    Yes there are, I'm Italian, but I live near Milan, so I know nothing about tobacconists in Pisa or Livorno, sorry...
  14. R

    Tobacconists in New York City

    Many Thanks for the info!
  15. R


    I smoke aromatics in the morning, English with Latakia after lunch and after dinner and virginia or burley based in the afternoon and before bed; I tend to smoke always the same aromatic and the same English, but I rotate among virginias and burleys....
  16. R

    Tobacconists in New York City

    Thanks for the info, it seems that my daughter will find there something useful for me....
  17. R

    Tobacconists in New York City

    The time is indeed the main problem, a shipment can always be late due to whatever cause, and my daughter will last in NYC only a few days...
  18. R

    Tobacconists in New York City

    Thanks, I think she will last in NYC or perhaps the neighborhood...
  19. R

    Tobacconists in New York City

    eh I'd enjoy to take part, but here in Italia is not allowed sending tobaccos...