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  1. A

    Indoor v outdoor smoking

    jeff, I totally agree with the statement that 'A happy wife is a happy home'. Actually, I do try to make my wonderful wife happy. But it's cold as hell here in the winter time, and my indoor smoking is one thing I refuse give up. But I do compromise on it. No one should have to breathe smoky air...
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    Indoor v outdoor smoking

    Actions speak louder than words (and opinions). Trying to prove one's love to their spouse by smoking out in the cold when other compromises could be made seems very one-sided and not quite right to me, but that's their choice. I don't agree, but I respect that. Who am I to tell another man how...
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    Indoor v outdoor smoking

    As I said, I'm old-school. Many Western men these days (especially younger ones) have been so indoctrinated, emasculated, and wussified, I wouldn't even classify them as men. I think the man should be the head of the house and make the final decisions, regardless if the wife works or not. You...
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    Indoor v outdoor smoking

    As I'm old-school and wear the pants in this family, I'm mostly an indoor smoker. I don't like the fact that the frequent breezes outside quickly burn through my tobacco, making a bowl last about half of my normal indoor smoking time. Also, taste seems to be a bit more muted outdoors.
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    And you thought you were stared at in the US

    Pipe smoking in public with your fly open? Damn. :mrgreen:
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    And you thought you were stared at in the US

    Lol. I know the feeling. Try smoking a pipe as a Westerner in a smaller city or town in Japan. It's probably even worse than what you describe. They stare at me either way, with mouths frequently wide open in astonishment, as if I'm an alien that just stepped off of a spaceship. So I figure...
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    Time to jump back in!

    I wouldn't panic just yet. But with things quickly accelerating like they are, now might be a good time to learn how to grow and process your own tobacco, or become friends with someone locally who does. At the very least, try and stock up on your favorite blends while they are still cheap and...
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    Why is 3 Nuns so expensive?

    Wow, why all the Mac Baren bashing? Lol. American pipe smokers had better get used to the idea of paying these higher prices online for all tobacco, because that's where things are quickly heading for US residents. You guys have been spoiled with ridiculously cheap pipe tobacco prices for far...
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    Favorite Tin / Pouch Design / Art?

    My vote also goes to Nightcap. It's very appropriate for the blend, and I love the artwork. :puffy:
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    Public Opinion

    I've also noticed that English tobaccos with perique tend to stink up the room more than Englishes that contain no perique.
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    Does A Pipe Shape Influence The Smoking Experience?

    Does pipe shape influence the smoking experience? Absolutely! Bent pipes (half and full) do mute tobacco flavor somewhat, but provide a cooler smoke compared to straight pipes. The trade-off is worth it in my opinion. Length of stem also affects the flavor and coolness. That is why I usually...
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    This Is It

    A very sad, but true statement. All western 'progressive' societies are following this same path. Freedom of choice and freedom of speech are quickly dying in all western countries. Watching this all happen from afar, I shudder. But the good news is that we will all be able to continue to smoke...