Does A Pipe Shape Influence The Smoking Experience?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 5, 2016
I'm enjoying the process of exploring how different tobaccos perform in different pipes. I do find that certain tobaccos smoke and taste different depending on which pipe I smoke them in. For example, I find that flakes smoke well in narrower bowls and that shag cut english blends smoke well and taste great in wider shallower bowls. This isn't a hard fast rule but seems to work for me. There are other factors that play in as well such as how moist the tobacco is, how it's packed, etc. I typically smoke full flavored, heavier tobaccos flakes in smaller bowls - Irish flake or Old Dark Fired for example. I do have to say that cobs always smoke great for me. I do find they might compromise some flavor of certain blends but they smoke cool and dry generally.



Oct 17, 2013
Group 1&2 sized pipes are for woman, no self respecting male would be caught dead smoking one.
I like a smaller pipe and don't need a big pipe to prove my masculinity (can you say over-compensating?) :rofl:



Can't Leave
Apr 6, 2015
One of the biggest differences for me is straight vs bent. I find a deeply bent pipe can mute flavor a little bit. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as I will smoke a very peppery or full flavored blend in a bent pipe and enjoy it more

I smoke subtle blends, like mild straight Virginias in straight pipes as I feel it brings out the most in the flavor.



Feb 13, 2013
I'd say for sure. Part of the fun of pipesmoking is trying blends in different pipes. Sometimes it can mean the difference between keeping a blend and it becoming a favorite. I almost gave up on Hearth and Home Marble Kake till I tried it in a couple of my smaller pipes. Now I love it



May 27, 2016
Does pipe shape influence the smoking experience? Absolutely! Bent pipes (half and full) do mute tobacco flavor somewhat, but provide a cooler smoke compared to straight pipes. The trade-off is worth it in my opinion. Length of stem also affects the flavor and coolness. That is why I usually only use half-bent bent pipes... because I tend to smoke 5-7 bowls every day. The cooler smoke from bent pipes allows me to do this. I've tried smoking 5-7 bowls a day with straight pipes and my tongue cannot handle it.



Feb 21, 2016
Corfu Greece
can someone tell me is the group size the size (length) of the pipe or chamber size?

I have some barling pipes that are marked S-M and one marked EL the chamber seems to be about the same but the El is slightly longer.

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