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  1. deckpiper

    Made my own blend last night

    Thanks for the comments. And, I did enjoy it tonight as well. I have to say, each individual tobacco was fine in its own right, but somewhat shallow or one-dimensional to my tastes. The mixture (probably a better word than blend) has a depth they didn't have...a multi-dimensionality that was...
  2. deckpiper

    Made my own blend last night

    I had bought a bunch of local brick & mortar blends, none of which were doing it for me. Each had something going for it, but they also had some strikes against them, and I found myself not reaching for them. Then, it occurred to me: Why not make my own blend. So, I did. Some vanilla black...
  3. deckpiper

    Whoo! I just burned through a Night Cap bowl in record time...

    Family gave me the night off, and I had a full bowl of GLP Quiet Nights tonight...leisurely smoke by comparison. No problems. It is a very rough cut...comes in clumps. But, I just push it into the bowl. If you smoke Quiet Nights, so do you rub it out into a finer consistency? I don't seem to...
  4. deckpiper

    Whoo! I just burned through a Night Cap bowl in record time...

    I had two brownies, and a small glass of red wine. Not sure the wine was helpful, but I figured it had sugars in it. Everything was fine.
  5. deckpiper

    Whoo! I just burned through a Night Cap bowl in record time...

    I was fine sitting there, but when I got up to come in, I was a bit dizzy. I think I'll go a bit slower next time.
  6. deckpiper

    Can someone summarize the FDA regulations that are shutting down blenders?

    Thanks for the cliff notes version! And, thanks for the pointer to the other sub-forum. I'll figure this place out eventually!!
  7. deckpiper

    G.L. Pease - Quiet Nights - great newbie's first English

    This was my first English. Wow. Loved it. When I opened the tin, I smelled it and thought, "Uh oh. I may be an aromatic guy. Smells too strong, or too...weird." Probably just my inexperience though, as you will see. I filled my bowl, and proceeded to smoke for an hour or so, with a glass of...
  8. deckpiper

    Can someone summarize the FDA regulations that are shutting down blenders?

    I started this hobby after something apparently went down. I'm aware that several companies that used to sell blends no longer do so. A local store in my area mentioned that they can no longer blend tobacco because of the FDA. Is there an "FDA for Dummies" description of what happened? Did...
  9. deckpiper

    Newbie's first "two-days-in-a-row" smoke

    The smoke: Sterling Balkan in a cob. Accompaniment: a bit of Johnny Walker Black Label on the rocks. Up till now, I was doing 1-2 pipes a week. I'm not sure if I just enjoy the time-out...or if nicotine is making me crave a smoke, but I find myself thinking about making time for my next pipe...
  10. deckpiper

    Tonight's Smoke...And a Lesson Learned by a Newbie

    Regarding the Czech tool: I duplicated my smoke form the first post tonight. I must have packed in the tobacco too tightly? I had to use the poker for the first time. Seemed to be something blocking the air flow, as if a piece of tobacco was right in the hole to the stem. I first poked a...
  11. deckpiper

    Pairing Tobacco with Drinks

    After dinner...cognac. My favorite is Camus VSOP. Reasonably priced (for cognacs). Middle of the or wine, whatever strikes my fancy. When I light a pipe, it is usually time for an alcoholic beverage. I don't smoke during work days, or when I have other activities going on. I saw a...
  12. deckpiper

    Tonight's Smoke...And a Lesson Learned by a Newbie

    I don't smoke every day. I use it as a time out from the hustle and bustle of life (and as a reward for sticking to my new exercise regime). Tonight, a mid-weekday night, I had the house to mayself. I went on my deck, overlooking the forest behind my house...Vauen Ascot 172...Lane BCA (the...
  13. deckpiper

    Hi All New Pipe Smoker Here

    Hi Graham. Welcome! I'm fairly new to pipe smoking as well. I get over to London every so often. Next time I may look for a good club to enjoy a smoke...don't know if they have those anymore. Seems like so many places are tobacco free here in the US nowadays.
  14. deckpiper

    Slow Smoke Meaning

    My favorite so far, but I'm just starting out. Haven't had this experience. Agreed. Very little bite. I tend to puff away at a rate that I assume is more vigorous than most, given the comments here. I will have to try to do it slower next time. But, I like a lot of thick smoke. I never...
  15. deckpiper

    Hello from US Flyover Country

    Exactly. I have always been quite proud to live in Flyover Country. Recently, I was in a bar in Seattle, and a woman used the term as a total insult, to my face. It is such an odd experience to get insulted for what seems like no reason from someone you don't know. She didn't like what she...
  16. deckpiper

    Tiny Man Cave

    Nice. I'm jealous. I've got a few more years before I can have my man cave...need some kids to move out of the house.
  17. deckpiper

    Hello from US Flyover Country

    Hmmm. For now, I'll just say Midwest, reasonably large city.
  18. deckpiper

    Corn Cob Pipes

    The avatar I just selected has hat & stache. (I'm a big van Gogh fan...I know, that's like saying I like the Beetles or Beethoven. Hopefully someone else here doesn't have this image as their avatar.)
  19. deckpiper

    Corn Cob Pipes

    Ha! I would enjoy that!