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  1. NEmery

    Show Us Your Mr. Brog Pipes!

    Smokes good and looks good for the price. The stem has a strange feel... aside from that, ya can't beat it for under $30!
  2. NEmery

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    Gearing up for St Patrick's Day, so an Old Fashioned using some Proper Twelve Irish Whiskey, going to be followed by a Pint of Stout, while I smoke some (Peterson Blend) Nightcap Through a Peterson Dublin 05. Haha .
  3. NEmery

    Peterson Saint Patrick's Day 2020 107

    I really like this year's at Patrick's day pipes. I will probably end up getting one.
  4. NEmery

    Hello From East Tenn.

    Welcome! I will be there in June. Elgin, I think? For a Van run.
  5. NEmery

    Show Us Your Mr. Brog Pipes!

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) - Bob I didn't see an active Mr Brog post, so I will start a new one. I picked this thing up the other day because I wanted a green pipe and didn't want to pay a lot of money for one. It is a No 51 Amigo and I have only smoked 2 half bowls in...
  6. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    Hell, I smoked a pipe today while the kids were playing at pigeon poi t park
  7. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    I almost always take a pipe with me, just in case. If we go somewhere that I have a moment to sit and relax, or where I can Lunt, I will pack it and smoke.
  8. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    chs110, you just stay at home with your pipes, or do you take them out with you someplace here in town?
  9. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    Yeah, I picked up some C&D Bayou Morning from the store near Parris Island that was a bit dry. I put some bourbon on a paper towel and peaked it inside a jar with some of it and it hydrated pretty well and was tasty. LOL. I know that PH has humidity packets in their jars, though. I stopped into...
  10. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    I know of about 3 other that me that work on the Air Station, then a friend of mine, and I know there was another 1 or 2 but I can't remember who they were. Haha. However, I have never seen anybody else ever smoke a pipe at Beaufort tobacco, or even at Peaceful Henry's.
  11. NEmery

    Savannah, GA Ye Olde Tobacco Shop

    I got some of their Dockside blend when I was down there last month. The blend was not too bad, but the price was a bit high for bulk. I assume being in such a touristy area dictates that, as it seemed like just about everything in there (pipe related) had a steep price.
  12. NEmery

    What Are You Listening Too. (Feb 2020)

    currently listening to a streaming Bluegrass channel. that stays pretty constant for me.
  13. NEmery

    Wifes Choice

    Boobs ALWAYS win. Dammit.
  14. NEmery

    Lane 1 Q

    I had some Bayou Morning that I got a good deal on as the 'tobaccoist' allowed it to dry out quite a bit. I rehydrated it lightly with some Bourbon and I really enjoyed it.
  15. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    yeah, they are just north. I am planning a trip up there next week. I just ordered some Spark Plug from them yesterday afternoon and it was already delivered today. HAHA. as for Vets, yeah we are all a bit different.
  16. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    Man, there aren't many pipe smokers around! I know of only about a half dozen in the area.
  17. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    Nice. I picked up some 'Dockside' blend from Ye Old Tobacco Shop down there last month.
  18. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    Nice. I am actually a transplant here to SC. Was brought here from Michigan by the Good Ole USMC in '96 for Parris Island, then back in '97 to be stationed here. I moved to NC in '06, and back down here in '16. LOL.
  19. NEmery

    Just Joined from South Carolina

    I am also new here from SC... Beaufort, SC to be exact. been reading the forums a bit and just saw your introduction and it made me decide to join as well.