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  1. seilerjp

    Please Don't Re-Run That Molto Dolce Ad

    When I first heard the advertisement, I thought it was overlong and cheesy. It may have bordered on poor taste. Even without the accent, I know of no female that would talk like that. A female hearing it may be very upset with the concept. However, if you look at some of the tobacco...
  2. seilerjp

    New Emperor Leopaldo Story

    After a period of time, and now that I am 'retired' I have written a new Emperor Leopaldo Saga story. The story is entitled "Master Penman" and may be found on my website . It will be on pipedia later this week. As usual, feedback is appreciated.
  3. seilerjp

    Blue Book for Pipes

    One of the problems is that pipe prices seem to fluctuate quickly. An "in" pipe maker today may be 'out' tomorrow. Sometimes it may vary from show to show.
  4. seilerjp

    President of the Order of Collegiate Pipe Smokers on 7/25/2013

    Another good show. I met these gentlemen and ladies at last year's and this year's Chicago Show. Before that I always thought 'CMU' meant Carnegie Mellon University, now I know better.
  5. seilerjp

    Washington County (PA) pipe club

    We meet the evening of the third Friday of each month at a member's home. Contact me for information and directions.
  6. seilerjp

    The New Capstan Blue Flake

    At our pipe club meeting last Friday night, I supplied a 1999 tin of the Capstan Brown label. We opened it and it was still moist. The tin aroma was heavenly and it smoked just as good. All 7 of us thought it was one of the best tobaccos we had ever smoked. Cellar it guys.
  7. seilerjp

    Another New Emperor Leopaldo Story - Dark Night

    Ok, So Brian's interview with Fred Hanna last week gave me an idea for a new story. I admit that I heard Fred's talk on vitamin N at Chicago. The result is "Dark Night" a story that combines the usual Pipe collecting/Pipe Smoking & Science Fiction along with drugs and murder. Enjoy...
  8. seilerjp

    Who Has Listened to Every PM Magazine Radio Show?

    I have listened to every show since episode #1 and they keep getting better. Brian does a fine job. It is the hit of my Thursday evening, usually with a bowl of McClelland #5100.
  9. seilerjp

    2 Additional Stories to Emperor Leopaldo Saga

    As requested, little further information from my website: Emperor Leopaldo is the head of a feudalistic society far in the future where pipe collecting/pipe smoking is not politically incorrect, rather it is highly esteemed among the aristocracy. The stories were written by myself, a pipe...
  10. seilerjp

    2 Additional Stories to Emperor Leopaldo Saga

    Yes, I am the author of the series. I have written a short article for the upcomming issue of The Pipe Collector. The stories are also on pipedia.
  11. seilerjp

    2 Additional Stories to Emperor Leopaldo Saga

    Beside the story added last week "The Proposal", I have just added two additional stories. They are entitled "The Medal", and "The Ceremony". You may even find mention of this journal and the pipepodcast in one of them. Enjoy
  12. seilerjp

    Russ' Article on Sherlock Holmes

    Thanks Russ for a great story.
  13. seilerjp

    New Emperor Leopaldo Story

    I have thought about if the stories had any commercial value and came to the conclusion that they did not. I wrote the stories to fill a hole I perceived in that there was no pipe & tobacco literature available for the pipe collector/pipe smoker. I write them to be satisfactory to one person...
  14. seilerjp

    New Emperor Leopaldo Story

    After a 4.5 year hiatus, I have just completed two stories in the Emperor Leopaldo Saga which is devoted to pipe Collecting/Pipe Smoking & SF. The first story "The Proposal" has been posted on my website. The second story "The Medal" should appear soon. My website is located here...
  15. seilerjp

    The Order of Collegiate Pipe Smokers at the Chicago Show

    It was great seeing the group at the Chicago Show. Hope they enjoyed the show and the tin of aromatic tobacco i threw their way! I started smoking at the age of 18 and all through college and thereafter.
  16. seilerjp

    What are You Reading?

    Steven Erikson "Malazan Book of the Fallen series", specifically, "Reaper's Gale"
  17. seilerjp

    List your favorite English tobacco

    I believe that McC 5100 is a virginia,not an english, and it is my favorite VA tobacco. For English tobaccos: Pembroke C&D Quiet Night Crown Achievement (original or look a like) Butera royal Vintage #1 and #2
  18. seilerjp

    Pipe Tool App

    how about a version for android?
  19. seilerjp

    1792 Flake

    AH, of the few pipe tobaccos that caused me to break out in a cold sweat.
  20. seilerjp

    Recommended Starter Tobacco

    I concur with the Lane 1Q recommendation and would suggest McClelland 5100 as a nice mellow Virginia.