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  1. seilerjp

    My northern Briars

    I have a number of the Northern BRiar pipes. Ian's work is great at a very affordable price. I like his Roxy cut finish. They all smoke great and break in very easily. Enjoy'1
  2. seilerjp

    FOUND MY T.U.C.O.P.S. Lapel Pin!!!!

    I have my pin, card, and a set of TUCOPS. Tom was one of the big contributors to our hobby. Although I never met him, I considered him a friend.
  3. seilerjp

    New Hawkbill

    Having had, at one time, 68 hawkbill pipes in my collection of which 28 were the Castello #84, this looks to me to be one of the better interpretations of the shape. Congrats to the pipemaker.
  4. seilerjp

    Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake One Day Sale $7.29/

    Many thanks for the post. Full Virginia Flake is one of my favorite pipe tobaccos. 10 tins ordered.
  5. seilerjp

    Richmond CORPS(e) Pipe Show And My New Clark Layton Burner

    I have the Chedda/Layton collaboration pipe that I acquired at Smokers Haven last March. It smokes like a dream. Premal and Clark did a fantastic job in engineering and finish on the pipe. I think you will enjoy your pipe.
  6. seilerjp

    CORPS Show (Richmond/VA) 2014

    Great reviews of the CORPS pipe show. I attended the show (last set of tables on the right side against the wall) with my friend Bill Kotyk. I tried to engage anyone that came to our table and offer them a free sample of the tobacco we had (Emperor Leopaldo's Special Reserve Blend), if they...
  7. seilerjp

    Columbus Pipe Show 2014

    I will be there with Bill Kotyk at his table.
  8. seilerjp

    Smoking Indoors

    I have no children in the house. I rarely smoke around my wife. I have a den in our basement in which I smoke an average of one bowl per evening. The door is closed. I have two air cleaners running all evening. When I am done, I spray some air freshner and go to bed. One of the air cleaners...
  9. seilerjp

    Lengthy Tale About The City Council Voting To Close Our Club

    Many years ago when our club sponsor shop closed, we moved to a member's home and have been meeting there once a month for over 12 years. Of course the maximum number of people that show up each month never exceeds 10 people. It's a shame how our hobby is viewed and the restrictions being...
  10. seilerjp

    What's the Best Bulk Flakes to Cellar?

    AS a Virginia lover, I agree with the suggestion on Full Virginia Flake and Best Brown. If not flake, I cellar McClelland's #5100, red kake (what else would one expect from me?).
  11. seilerjp

    Showing ID to purchase pipe smoking accessories

    I should add that the Dill Pipe Cleaners cost me 2X the cost at any other tobacco shop. So much for CVS. But my lesson has been learned, don't run out of pipe cleaners.
  12. seilerjp

    Showing ID to purchase pipe smoking accessories

    Let's just say that I am 65 years old. I live in a state (Pennsylvania) where it is common to check the ID of someone under 21 to purchase liquor and beer, and under 18 to purchase tobacco products. It has been many years since I was carded for the former. I was running out of my favorite pipe...
  13. seilerjp

    JimInks on Radio Show of June 26, 2014.

    It looks like the Episode 93 is linked to the Fred Hanna interview of last week.
  14. seilerjp

    A Call For Tobacco Tin Date Stamps

    We can only deal with personal experience. My experience is that the Virginias age great. Perique and Latakia contained blends seem to peak and then lose their flavor. On the other hand I have had some old original Dunhill VA (brown label tins) from the 1970s and 80s. One was great and the...
  15. seilerjp

    Mclleland Virginias

    Personally, McClelland #5100, Red Kake, is my everyday smoke. I love any of the brown labeled Virginia Tins. Since I smoke so much of the McClelland #5100, I guess I never notice any of the Ketchup taste and I live in Pittsburgh, the home of Heinz Ketchup. I normally have a pound or two of the...
  16. seilerjp

    Chicago Pipe Show 2014 Tables

    I will be at the show with Bill Kotyk. We will also be along the back wall of the hall. Stop by and visit. I will also be making a presentation on Friday at 5:00 PM in the Sapphire room located in the tower on the Emperor Leopaldo Saga. Stop by and say...
  17. seilerjp

    Chicago Pipe Show happening

    I will be leaving for Chicago in a couple of hours. If you will be there, come visit. Bill Kotyk and I will be at 3 tables along the back wall at the show. I will be making a presentation at the show on Friday at 5:00 PM in in the Sapphire Room (Tower) presumptuously entitled "Emperor...
  18. seilerjp

    Fast Five Final Questions

    1. What's your favorite pipe? - Castello Hawkbill (donkeynut) G or GG size, any finish but am really appreciating pipes made by Ian Walker at Northern Briars, especially his Roxycut finish. 2. What's your favorite tobacco? - McClellands #5100 Bulk after about 5 years of aging. It also goes by...
  19. seilerjp

    Lane Crown Achievement Review by Romeowood

    Two weeks ago at the Washington County, PA, pipe club we tried a tin of the original Crown Achievement (probably at least 20 years old), the bulk Crown Achievement and a tin of the new Crown Achievement. Generally, we all agreed (7 of us) on the results. We found that the original Crown...
  20. seilerjp

    New Emperor Leopaldo Story

    The "Master Penman" story and a little short Sherlock Holmes story are also posted on Pipedia.