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2 Fresh Micah Redmond Pipes
4 Fresh The French Pipe Pipes
2 Fresh Lv Zelong Pipes
48 Fresh Nørding Pipes
60 Fresh Ropp Pipes

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  1. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    Great minds... I have a 4 year old asparagus jar of 250 grams of some frosty St. James I'm about to crack into soon... It will be my first time trying it actually haha. Received it as a gift/accident from SP and just let myself forget about it til now. God, I hope I hate it cause it'll suck...
  2. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    Well Mylar actually is just a special type of polyester that doesn't actually always have the foil layer... it usually does but that's actually a separate process it's put through whereas the Mylar itself is just trademark of biaxially oriented polyester. I'd assume the bags are either an...
  3. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    My thinking too, at least with aromatics. Ofc things will always age/chemically change even anaerobically but limiting the oxygen as much as possible is the ticket to slow it as much as possible. Any recommendations on off-the-beaten-path aromatic English blends btw? I still need to try...
  4. NookersTheCat

    Mineral Oil For Faded Finish

    My Nana knew this as well. The old timers may not have understood the microbiology/enzyme science behind it but they knew what worked.
  5. NookersTheCat

    Well That's as Subtle as a Chainsaw...

    Right? So rare these days to find someone who not only just shows up with a pulse and an ability to follow simple instructions yet actually take a little initiative based upon actually paying attention to what's going on around them.
  6. NookersTheCat

    Well That's as Subtle as a Chainsaw...

    Looks like Laudisi is noticing the unmistakable trend and trying to turn it into lemonade (new customers) haha. Just thought this was interesting. I mean generally I tend to think of C&D as having a distinctly different style than most Sutliff blends but more power to them!
  7. NookersTheCat

    Smoking pipes

    This, exactly. It's the holiday shopping season, limited edition season, and tobacopolypse all in one lol. I wasn't at all surprised when my orders the last few weeks took over 2 weeks to even process. They seem to be catching up now into the new year.
  8. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    On a related note, I find the sutliff/MacBaren factory pound bags in particular to be of pretty high quality/low permeability and presealed with appropiate amounts of oxygen to the blend type. I have a sealed pound of 504c Aromatic English going on 5yo and it seems good as new. I'll be cracking...
  9. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    Exactly, this is what I find for the right amount of a tight "stuff" half pounds (8oz) in pints (16 fl oz) and pounds in quarts (32 fl oz) or essentially 1:2 oz to fl oz ratio. Less for Virginia's and stuff ya don't mind aging/reacting with a tad more of the trapped oxygen
  10. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    All good points. That was my thought process in general that something you want to "age more" you'd want more oxygen space and aromatics less to "age less" aka lose/change less of the added flavor. I'm assuming the leaves (more burley) in aros would lead to less natural sugars but still a good...
  11. NookersTheCat

    Mineral Oil For Faded Finish

    I know it helps seal small wounds and clean/pretreat small stains on clothes in a pinch just didn't know about the tobacco residue. Also tbh I kinda misunderstood that he used it to strip and refinish the whole pipe in the beginning too lmao
  12. NookersTheCat

    The Virtue of Dry?

    Yeah I personally don't know if it makes a difference in the level of tar in the smoke that passes through but it definitely helps me keep my smoke dry which is my biggest issue. Idk, I may just be stupid but even though I can pack a pipe to a perfect draw and keep it going cool enough to not...
  13. NookersTheCat

    Mineral Oil For Faded Finish

    Will do! I'm currently about to use their "Restore-a-Finish" and "Feed-n-Wax" to quickly spruce up an old but decent enough solid oak entertainment center I found with a free sign on the road in the rain to use as cheap office furniture lol. Their products seem top quality and very reasonable...
  14. NookersTheCat

    Cigar Tobacco in Pipes?

    There are a few blends that use maduro cigar leaf including Purple Cow from C&D.. I believe they carry a few others as well not to mention carry chopped cigar leaf as a bulk blending tobacco. They've also recently come out with a Toscano line that uses the same tobaccos as those cheroots...
  15. NookersTheCat

    Good morning

    No, you win! I'm in PA so (even tho we've had a cold snap the last couple days) we're usually north enough to be miserable but not enough for it to (in the last 5-10 years) keep the lakes frozen for ice fishing or the slopes covered for skiing :( lol
  16. NookersTheCat

    Good morning

    Snatched for background material, wow! Cheers
  17. NookersTheCat

    Help! Pipe tobacco clone

    Hello fellow polock from the USA here haha While I've never tried Amphora personally, since nobody else has answered your question yet I'll give it my best shot. I would assume the Burley blend would be closest to the other blends you've mentioned. Half&Half is half burley half bright Virginia...
  18. NookersTheCat

    Mineral Oil For Faded Finish

    Looks great, and great to know! Especially since that old halcyon mixture everyone swore by is now gonzo... I kept meaning to order a few but ofc kept putting it off and as usual paid the price (God knows how tacking on $18 worth of pipe finish would've just tanked my budget after dropping $500...
  19. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    I'm pretty much just looking for people's opinions/musings. I already have my own method. Obv it depends on the blend. For flakes or something I'm gonna just loose fill as to not destroy them (I've noticed they then settle down further like potato chips too) but when it comes to mixtures, I...
  20. NookersTheCat

    Say Whatcha Want About STG...

    ? I hope to God I won't have the opportunity to... idt anyone wants a nuclear holocaust. Well, at least I didn't until the last couple years but I don't wanna get outta the frame of metaphor and into politics so we should prob both leave this where it sits even though I'm still bewildered by...