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2 Fresh Lv Zelong Pipes
48 Fresh Nørding Pipes
2 Fresh Micah Redmond Pipes
9 Fresh PS Studio Pipes
96 Fresh Savinelli Pipes

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  1. NookersTheCat

    Tongue Bite Despite Doing Everything Right

    Youre a braver man than I. I'm so interested in them but everytime I read the reviews titled "hair on your chest" and see the pics of that dusty block and pipe-tobacco-bob-dylan on the label I shy away back to my cherry vanilla 😂
  2. NookersTheCat

    Just in from STG/MacBaren/Sutliff

    Wasn't he also having health issues as well? I wouldn't blame him from taking a step back esp with all this going down.
  3. NookersTheCat

    Questions for Leonardw

    Obv every single person is gonna have a different opinion/gripe so mine is worth less than nothing. But I guess I just don't see why the sutliff factory couldn't have remained open. Obv one of the Denmark factories had to close. And even move those few best producing blends overseas and...
  4. NookersTheCat

    Tongue Bite Despite Doing Everything Right

    I have a bag i bought about 5 or 6 years ago I'll have to break into. I'm sure the fact that most of the D&R blends are dry as mummy bones doesn't hurt too 😂
  5. NookersTheCat

    Questions for Leonardw

    In fact I actually acquired the recipe for London dock from the woman who handled the offices at Daughters & Ryan before they got chopped. I PM'd @ChasingEmbers about it years ago. I have it still, written in her own hand with a beautifully kind note. It's compeltely useless to me. I stocked all...
  6. NookersTheCat

    Questions for Leonardw

    I was gonna say, like not to be a party pooper but these people goin "oh ima just go out and grow my own old dark fired next year" like.... noooo. Lol, that's not how this works. That's not how any of this works 😂 There's a reason that some of the oldest most successful companies in this STILL...
  7. NookersTheCat

    Questions for Leonardw

    Great show. The Dutton ranch is looking like a pretty good metaphor for this whole situation rn. Slowly being chipped away from a dozen different outside forces while the drama and squabbles inside cause the beams to collapse in upon themselves lol
  8. NookersTheCat

    Just in from STG/MacBaren/Sutliff

    If it's any consolation I thought it was a funny pun lol. Maybe if people don't want to deal with not nice things once in awhile they should go into HR rather than customer service. And as far as White Knights... well, there (used to be) a blend for that 😂😉
  9. NookersTheCat

    Just in from STG/MacBaren/Sutliff

    Yeah I hate to say it but I feel like we're nearing that point in the battle where "every man for himself" is given. Sure there will still be "solutions" and other options, but a shrinking market is a shrinking market. If someone has a problem with me spending what i want to secure what I like...
  10. NookersTheCat

    Just in from STG/MacBaren/Sutliff

    Same. Many of the tins I've been panic buying online even this past month (while others were also panic buying) still consistently had dates from mid 2023. This last month was basically supermarket sweep for me lol. Going forward beyond the odd C&D limited edition and my good ole TK-6 I doubt i...
  11. NookersTheCat

    Tongue Bite Despite Doing Everything Right

    Yeah i never understood the whole "burley being the most mild/easiest beginner" thing. To me they smoke the hottest wettest and harshest of most. Maybe it's my reaction, who knows. You'll get lots of advice but my main one as echoed here is a filter. People rag on them but it'll solve most of...
  12. NookersTheCat

    Just in from STG/MacBaren/Sutliff

    This is actually an extremely astute point that I believe has been a major cause for all this nonsense. Like as a microcosm, they come out with the John cotton line.. resurrecting a great old blend. Not good enough, gotta do a whole line of crumble kakes under the same banner. Ends up killing...
  13. NookersTheCat

    Questions for Leonardw

    Oh no... no, no, no, no, no, no!! 🤣🤣
  14. NookersTheCat

    Hello from central Pa

    Hello from Northeast PA (old anthracite country), fellow Pennsyltuckian :)
  15. NookersTheCat

    Questions for Leonardw

    Oh boy, you're a brave man coming back here today, sir. Either that or you don't actually work there and just have a personality disorder/get off on role-playing 😅
  16. NookersTheCat

    Questions for Leonardw

    After getting screwed on never being refunded for a $160 Nording Hunter Ram I returned nearly 3 years ago... I literally just got a stock up order from them (desperate times and I'm a sl*t for Magnum Opus, what can I say, lol) they sent me a package with 4 free MacBaren ceramic jars. The...
  17. NookersTheCat

    Anyone know anything about this pipe I was recently given?

    Looking at the pic i swore it said "E-Z Wider" lol
  18. NookersTheCat

    Just in from STG/MacBaren/Sutliff

    I just wanna take a minute here to say thank Bob Almighty for this forum. I was able to (the temporary chagrin of my credit score, lol) at least stock up on most of what's important to me. Between this board and just being lucky enough to have happened upon the info far more timely than when...
  19. NookersTheCat

    Finally Made An Account

    Welcome from beautiful (currently soggy) Northeast PA! Cheers brother, never let anyone snob you out of a good smoke lol. I have tins squirreled away of some of the most austere, snootiest blends around but if I were to be Shanghai'd onto a deserted island with a drum of only one currently...
  20. NookersTheCat

    How Tight to Stuff a Mason?

    Great point. I always make certain to wipe the rims as with actual canning (even if it's only with my thumb for the baccy jars) and rinse/dry the lids/gaskets before sealment.