Peterson university flake and sherlock holmes. both are very good, very strong, but very good, id recomend either to anybody, especially sherlock holmes, its so different
These are the pictures of the pipe. please any info would be appreciated
I hope this dumb picture thing works, im bad with computers haha
sorry for the bad lighting, if any one would like to see a better picture i will oblige
Not boring at all man, they are absolutely gorgeous. i love seeing them, that rock finish pipe was fantastic. you do an awesome job, i wish i could have an opportunity to have a pipe of such a beautiful standard
dont get me wrong, she wasnt happy, but its gonna hapen any way, i told her when she stops doing things i dont like ill stop doing what she doesnt like
Oh yeah, i told my very long standing girlfiend she is going down on the list of important things for at least a week, behind skyrim, pipe, food, and maybe class.