Whats your favorite drink to have with your pipe, lets do a non alcoholic, a beer and a hard liquor..
mine is home made iced tea
yuengling especially with a perique heavy blend
and markers mark bourbon (im not rich)
Exactly that question, what made you start?
Personally i always found it fascinating, since i have been little ive always wanted to look like those old men from way back when.
Bought my first cob and some cherry tobacco my freshman year of college, now here i am in my sophomore year of college...
Personally i dont enjoy cigar leaf pipe tobacco, i started on cigars myself, i personally love orlik golden sliced tobacco, its my favorite and i cam from cigars, ope it helps, it doesnt really taste like cigars but is good anyway
Very interested in one of the pear pipes, they look fantastic, i just dont know... anyone have any experience at all so i can justify my college grocery money on a new pipe?
Any one have a recommendation for a virginian that is on the sweet side?
no aro's please, nothing against them, i have a few i love, just not looking for one right now
thanks to all who contribute