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  1. sparroa

    Nova Scotia B&M's Are a Big Joke

    Keep in mind that those 2.5 million people are spread out amongst 208,138 square miles - halfway in size between the smaller state of California and the larger state of Texas. Add in prohibitive taxes and there's a formula for a terrible selection... (In reality, Labrador skews the size figures...
  2. sparroa

    Time to Mega PAD

    Roth, the lawmakers are going to gut the goose that lays the golden egg. The sad part is that they will not suffer from these rash actions, only their constituents will...
  3. sparroa

    How Long to MM Corn Cobs Last?

    As you can see, if you buy 10 or 20 cobs then quite a few of them will probably go the distance. My cobs are all three years old and going strong. Take care of them and they will last for ages - like anything else. There will always be a few duds, though, but you're likely to encounter problems...
  4. sparroa

    Nova Scotia B&M's Are a Big Joke

    BR, I'd love to share in your optimism but I feel that the writing is on the wall. Where I live, Captain Black is $35 a pouch and you are lucky to find a hand rolled cigar in a smoke shop... Sales may be growing where you live, but Ontario has yet to catch up to other jurisdictions as far as...
  5. sparroa

    Pairing Drinks and Puffing

    I don't like to drink anything with my smoke but coffee is a fine follow up... Port is my favourite alcoholic drink after a smoke, with madeira finishing in second place. Brandy or Cognac would be my choice for a distilled beverage... I do not enjoy any others following a smoke - I don't know...
  6. sparroa

    Tobacco B&M prices

    I doubt B&Ms are making a killing no matter what the location - some are more unfortunate than others, though... If located in a high tax state, then they are going to be casualties whether they deserve it or not. It is a sad situation - a lot of good businesses and jobs are going to be lost due...
  7. sparroa

    GLP Union Square- Review

    I've got some that's 2 or 3 years old and more that's hitting about a year - I've yet to try it! I look forward to my first taste of Union Square...
  8. sparroa

    Smoking Willow Bark

    Mike, You are right. You are lucky that you didn't lose function of your liver or kidneys (or worse) from that mistake. I've been very cautious about foraging over the years and it is only know that I am digging deeper into the subject. While I am curious of "herbal tobaccos" and edibles and...
  9. sparroa

    Nova Scotia B&M's Are a Big Joke

    I feel your pain, brother. I was in a local smoke shop recently and the only pipe tobacco was a 50g overpriced pouch of MacBaren Scottish Mixture. There were also no handmade Cuban cigars, but only a single poverty brand of cheap machine mades, plus the usual suspects such as the flavoured...
  10. sparroa

    Smoking Willow Bark

    Picking wild mushrooms is a good way to die - there are so many poisonous varieties that are nearly identical to the edible ones. Your son did the right thing by playing it safe. Mike, I am a little too timid myself to take the chance on wild mushrooms because I surely do not want to have one of...
  11. sparroa

    A Question About Flake

    I hear you but I will say one more thing on the matter... Orlik Golden Sliced is probably one of the safer flake bets out there. It is a light golden Virginia flake with a dash of perique (that I can't sense) and a pleasant yet mild citrus topping. It is a great VA for the present and it will...
  12. sparroa

    Smoking Willow Bark

    Hell, I wouldn't be the first to smoke tree bark but I applaud anyone who finds satisfaction in it and lives to tell the tale. I've been reading about local edible plants all day today and more than once I came upon a plant that was cited as a component of herbal tobaccos. I can't blame you for...
  13. sparroa

    Hello Everyone, Just Want to Say Hello

    Welcome. Look forward to seeing your work.
  14. sparroa

    Tobacco B&M prices

    As mentioned above, it all depends on what state you are in...
  15. sparroa

    A Question About Flake

    A tin of Orlik Golden Sliced is $7 - live a little! Buy some Ennerdale Flake and you will get the gist of what Lakeland tobaccos are all about! That is a little extreme - there are milder and probably more accessible Lakelands out there - but most of them are offered by Gawith & Hoggarth. They...
  16. sparroa

    Nova Scotia B&M's Are a Big Joke

    Fisher, unless you are a millionaire you wouldn't be able to afford ten 12 ounce tubs of tobacco in Nova Scotia anyway. In Canada, there is no such thing as lowbrow tobacco or highbrow tobacco. Whether it is Dunhill or Captain Black, they all end up being roughly the same price by the time the...
  17. sparroa

    New Smoker, No Taste

    A Peterson salesman recommended you a Peterson pipe? Isn't that strange? ;) I'm not sure if you are aware of the difference or not, but the Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipes are not to be confused with actual meerschaum pipes carved from a white mineral known as meerschaum or sepiolite. MM cobs...
  18. sparroa

    New Smoker, No Taste

    Try University Flake before you bother with any of the other Petersons... Your pipe needs to be broken in before you begin to sense much flavour at all. Petersons take a notoriously long time to break in, by most accounts. Keep that in mind. You can buy Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipes online...
  19. sparroa

    Going to the UK in a Month

    Well, if you know where you are going to be staying, then it won't hurt to find out what tobacconists are in the area and what kind of selection they carry. This can probably be accomplished via email. It pays to be prepared and efficient if time is going to be limited. Otherwise, Condor and St...
  20. sparroa

    First Taste of Latakia... & I liked it!

    Balkan Flake is as bland as the day is long, in my books. It's one dimensional (nothing but Virginia and Latakia) and it has all of the hassle of a Gawith VA but offers none of the reward. That's just my harsh judgment - don't let it dissuade you! Smoke what you like and like what you smoke. ;)...