I remember "Irish Pennants" from HS NJROTC, I had a Marine Drill Instructor who used to give us Hell for those things. I think they teach all drill instructors to be OCD. Thanks TopD for bringing back good memories :puffy:
I've been smoking for a time but I still get excited when I get a new pipe (Pete Aran Bulldog) I have a tendency to smoke it fast for some reason unknown to me. Well I did it this past weekend and didn't just get tongue bite, I burned the crap out of my tongue. I'm just now getting to the point...
No thunder storms yet, and no power outages as yet. Can't handle the heat this much but will survive. Seems the older I get the less I like the heat, strange because I want to retire to Myrtle Beach in a few years. :puffy:
I know in TX and Al and other southern states it gets hotter there, we just aren't use to it being quite this hot and yes I'm whining, SO! LoL. :puffy:
I live in eastern NC and in the summer it gets hot, but this is crazy, the Temp is 102 degrees and rising, the heat index is 110. I can put up with some heat but this outrageous. Anyone had it this hot lately? staying cool in eastern NC. :crying:
God Bless you Cyndi, hope everything works out for you, really miss your insight on smoking and pipes in general. Will say prayers for you and your family, hang in there. Sam
Be careful, this may just be a way for the state you live in collect unpaid sales tax from internet orders, I agree with earlier comments that it is hard to ID some kid if he uses his father's ID...Just Sayin! :roll:
"I think we should have a stickie like: Why I've had it "up to here", and I'm gone for good"
I agree that if people are not happy with site, they, should just leave, why take up people's time with why they've had it, etc. It's not fair to drag good people into their misery, if you are fed up...
I got 3 cats. Maxie, Rick and Ciara, Maxie is mine, a Lynx Point Siamese, we found him under a neighbors house. By the way nsfisher why you look so mean??? LoL!!! :puffy: