To me high end is a hand made pipe from someone who has a lot of experience in carving and has access to top quality briar. Price isn't that much an issue because of the estate market. I have bought a 400 dollar pipe for as little as 80 bucks and to me those are high end pipes. In my limited experience, I have found that better pipe makers who use good quality briar make a better smoking pipe. When I first got into pipes I tried a couple of lower end machine made pipes and did not enjoy them. My first pipe was a hand made Savinelli Line Piu 5 and I enjoyed it. I went out and bought a cheaper Jensen and a cheaper Nording and noticed the differences right away. My fourth pipe I ever bought was an expensive Winslow C grade( 500.00 retail back in 2000) and that was an eye opener.
If you do your research, understand market conditions, and know who makes quality pipes, anyone can smoke high end pipes for under around a c-note.