What is Happening to the Friendship and Friendly Discussions?

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Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
I have not been posting much lately. I have been sort of sitting back and reading posts on many different topics. Now I have only been here 6 Months or so but have noticed a huge difference in the posts and attitudes of some members. It seems as though, if a topic is not in agreement with SOME members, they answer the thread with personal attacks. This is NOT what we are here for! My opinion, if you do not like a topic, or input of certain members, or information you do not agree with, simply don't post. It is really not difficult. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just my imagination?



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2012
I've noticed the occasional snippiness, which can be expected with internet anonymity. For the most part however, I find that the members of this forum are by and far more friendly, helpful, and generous than most folks you run into in person. I've felt nothing less than at home here (if such can be said about a website), since I joined a month ago.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
I've noticed the occasional snippiness, which can be expected with internet anonymity. For the most part however, I find that the members of this forum are by and far more friendly, helpful, and generous than most folks you run into in person. I've felt nothing less than at home here (if such can be said about a website), since I joined a month ago.
Well stated jonahtke.
Likewise I've only been here a little more than a month but have found most everyone on this forum to be friendly and helpful and have certainly enjoyed being a member.
Persons with certain personality traits have a hard time not expressing or interjecting their personal feelings into discussions. However, I have seen a few postings that did not agree with the original discussion which may have been on target such as not displaying personal information about persons on this or any other forum...........



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
It has always been my experience that people don’t get along simple as that. I think during election season ramping up (here in the USA at least) it gets worse. All you hear is yelling, pointing, screaming, crying. I think it seeps in and for most of us don’t have a podium to shout things from. We are walking around half cocked and every once in a while we go off. Not defending the behavior, the ability to cull oneself seems to be as lost as common sense. Maybe they got a 2 for 1 deal and left together. I will be first to admit I am very guilty of this trying to work on it though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
Well I've only been here a year but I do seem to recall that the forum was indeed friendly pretty much all the time. The place is more populated now though! Hah it's just the nature of the beast. You have a wide range of people from different walks of life and places in the world you just have a greater chance of a little bit of headbutting. 2:1 and 16:8 are the same ratio but the numbers are just bigger, we're all still largely friendly but the chances of these things happening just gets higher is all.

Jul 15, 2011
I like to think of this forum like a family. Every once in a while, a family member just does or says something that kind of irks you, and you spend a day or two being pissed and throwing a hissy, but when it comes down to it, I really couldn't stay mad at anyone or anything on this forum. A little personal drama is to be expected every now and then when you interact with this many people, especially if you are online as much as I am. I still love this place and don't really post anywhere other than here because I like it so much.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2012
I haven't been here all that long but I do find it far friendlier than many other forums. I see recently there was a little more vigorously discussed topic regarding health, taxes and politics but aside from that I personally haven't seen much in the way of heated topics.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
As soon as I unload sell the last of my inventory I'm outta here!


BTW, who's turn is it to throw a shit fit and quit the forums for June, 2012?
I think we should have a stickie like: Why I've had it "up to here", and I'm gone for good!



May 4, 2011
I was, but then I got stuck handling the box pass. Now there's no telling how long I'm gonna be stuck in this place. :nana:



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
Its weird but the moods most of the members are in effects the way they respond. Like now I haven't posted near as much as when I was employed, showing a general happier mood. Also around payday and bill paying time people react different.



Jun 2, 2010
@ nsfisher: Don't forget that you are Nova Scotian and Nova Scotians are, beyond the shadow of any doubt, some of the most kind, courteous, thoughtful, accepting and laid back people on the planet. I'm a Yank from Ohio that has only lived here for 7 years but I fit in better in Nova Scotia than I did down there. I have noticed a decline in the aforementioned social qualities over the past 7 years though. The world seems to be becoming a bitter place. Everyone seems to have so much to prove these days.



May 4, 2011
I've been on the PM forums for a year now and it's simply gotten more populated. With that comes increased incidents of trolling and an influx of people who simply don't play well with others. The best advice I can give is "Don't feed the Troll." If you see someone making rude, assinine comments that are obviously designed to provoke people, simply ignore and if necessary report them to the mods. Because it's the internet, there are simply some people who are just asswipes and choose to use that anonymity to disrupt other folks' otherwise pleasant lives. That's one reason I suggested that people show their real self in their avatars. It's polite and shows a degree of good will toward the other members.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
The problem with "other" forums that I have experienced is "the inside group" and the feeling that a newcomer is not necessarily all that welcome amongst them. However, I have always felt accepted and at home in this (my only) Forum. I don't get time to read every post every day. I must pick and choose because of retraints on my time. I post if I have something to add. Otherwise, I just read. I like this Forum and it is wonderful that our Moderator's are present and among us! It takes a lot of time to Moderate and I appreciate it very much.




May 4, 2011
That's one of the reasons I started getting involved here. The veteran members were always good to me and new members and new pipe smokers are always encouraged to be part of the scene. It's an attitude I try to continue now that I have a fancy purple title.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 18, 2011
"I think we should have a stickie like: Why I've had it "up to here", and I'm gone for good"
I agree that if people are not happy with site, they, should just leave, why take up people's time with why they've had it, etc. It's not fair to drag good people into their misery, if you are fed up just go. I for one like everyone here and will be loyal to the site. Just my 2 cents worth. :puffy:



Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
Groups have personalities, just as individuals do. If you take a room full of 30 people and replace just three or four of them with new people, the personality of the whole group changes.
The forum is constantly undergoing this process as new and old members are coming and going daily. Usually the changes are fine. But every two or three months, someone take offense at something, feathers are ruffled and someone has a crisis. It's like the ebbing and flowing of the tide.
As far as groups go, I'd day that this one is pretty friendly and helpful. Most of the long term members and those willing to stick around keep things on an even keel as we go from storm to storm. Things have their ups and downs. Stick around and I'm sure you will be instrumental in helping us find our balance again.

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