Not that uncommon really. Heck we had one get flagged once when we traveled out of state. A pain in the ass but easy to fix. I think they get a little jumpy nowadays with all the fraud and just trying to keep themselves and "us" save from it at times.
A little bit of hand sanitizer can work some magic too. Not enough alcohol to cause any problems. Seems like i read that on a smoking daily reader about tips they use to restore estate pipes. Just smear some on and let it sit for a minute then wipe it off. Repeat as necessary.
Cool idea would be neat in a man cave. I would try something like that but i think it would lose its charm with a burbon bottle, old beer cans and pipe tins. Plus idk what i would do with it. Have fun finishing it and the stories that go with it.
Good looking pipes. Love my 2 Neerup pipes and both are wonderful smokers. He does a good job with some nice accents at a reasonable prices. What more can you ask for?
So many ideas and different ways to handle the same problems on this forum. Some good and some maybe not so good. If ass crack is your thing go deep bro, You do you. Side note ill be passing on estate pipes from stokesdale.
Welcome from S.W Michigan. Good luck with the charity drive. Every bit helps even if its only the cost of a few pouches of tobacco added to the charity.
Welcome from S.W Michigan. I have never tryed snuff and know absolutely nothing about it other than it can suposidly make you sneeze your head almost off. Do you smoke a pipe?
Sounds like a good time. Never meet him but have emailed him several times and talked to him once on the phone. He was helping with some questions about one of his pipes. Very pleasant and over the top helpful on the phone. Can't wait to see pics
Welcome from S.W Michigan. Beards are not required yet but the site rules might change. Its a great forum and even " stupid questions" will get answers. We were all new to this hobby at one time.