I've sold a lot of Dunhills over the years. Two are keepers. First, my birth year pipe: a Shell Briar Friendly. And this '69 Bruyere prince group 2. This came from a good friend (no longer living) who had a pipe store on the Internet back in 1997. He had this one for sale for $55 due to a...
I jumped on the Latakia train as soon as I first experienced it -- probably 20 years into my pipesmoking "career." Before that, I bought whatever was at the convenience store. Now, 25 years after that first experience, I still really like the stuff... I just like everything else, too. That's...
I have about half a tin of Sillem's Black from 2011, and a full tin, unopened, from 2020. The open tin seems fine to me; a little mellower, maybe. Not a bad thing.
Welcome aboard.... Good luck with the cracked shank. While I'm not skilled with repair, I get a lot of understanding from Steve Laug's RebornPipes blog. He takes a lot of pictures as he works through his repairs. Just a thought.
Les, who introduced me to the Christopher Morley Pipe Club, has an encyclopedic knowledge of tobaccos and a high refined palate. I'm delighted, but not surprised, at this achievement.
Season 1 is 10 episodes. The first two dropped at once. Then, it's one every Friday night until it's run its course.
I read Hugh Howey's book about 10 years ago and still have vivid memories of the incredibly rich world building. The plot and characters are all decent, but the world of Silo...
It's the tins.
My maternal grandfather smoked Half & Half, and always had a half empty tin around. I remember seeing a new one on the kitchen counter from time to time after a shopping trip.
My paternal grandfather was more of a cigarette smoker but he usually had Prince Albert in a can.
I saw it in bits and pieces. It's not awful but a little hard to take in long sessions. I personally will be delighted, however, if I never again hear the word "pageantry."
Butz Choquin is a worthy pipemaker. As far as I can tell, French made pipes never seem to have caught on here in the U.S., at least not compared to UK, Irish, Danish, Italian. Looks like a nice fireplace pipe. Congrats.
Sad to read. This seems like a life event for Mr. Cannoy. It's certainly not a sustainable, long-term business model.
FWIW, I've had a couple of commissions from Mark Tinsky. His policy was to make the pipe, send a pic, and then send an invoice (a price was agreed upon before work began). But...
They don't. The Bengal has never been offered in bulk, perhaps because it was originally packaged only in slices. Hence the name. The current Bengal isn't pressed and sliced like the older versions, and for that reasons and others it misses the mark a little IMHO. I've tried Lancer's Slices and...
The only data I've seen on this topic is nearly 60 years old: the U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health from 1964. Here's a link from the Wayback Machine: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-SMOKINGANDHEALTH/pdf/GPO-SMOKINGANDHEALTH.pdf. That report found little difference in...