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  1. dunendain

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Lane BLWB in a Meerschaum Calabash. Vanilla Burley. Cavendish cut.
  2. dunendain

    Stop a 775% Tax Increase on Pipe Tobacco!

    Whenever I try to stockpile, my pile disappears very quickly.
  3. dunendain

    Good Things About Beer

    Guinness is food. Everywhere in England I saw billboards that says "Guinness, it's good for you". I thought that was a hoot.
  4. dunendain

    The chicken or the egg?

    I use to never dedicate, but I have noticed that since I have separated the English blends, that I get better room notes with the others. If that makes any sense.
  5. dunendain

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Cortez, I am jealous. I have read many good reviews of that blend. I am smoking Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake in Bjorne Churchwarden.
  6. dunendain

    Pipe Reaming. How to.

    I remember my grandfather using his pocket knife. He did have 40 years experience though..
  7. dunendain

    Looking 4 Pipe & Tobacco magazine back issues

    I have summer 2007, and fall 2008. If you want them?
  8. dunendain

    Remember Those that Gave Their Lives

    Yeah I've seen those. Idid watch a great WW1 movie on Netflix called The Red Baron. I thought the air to air combat scenes were much better than Flyboys. I enjoyed the heck out it. I think it was made a couple of years ago. I have always thought that the last chivalry that existed in war was...
  9. dunendain

    Favorite Writers, Books, Subjects.

    I got my hands on a Kipling set. A pipe smoking, golfer like myself. I will tackle them soon.
  10. dunendain

    Adding cognac/whiskey to tobacco?

    I forgot about this thread. Did anyone try this yet. If not, I will do this. I have developed a taste for whisky flavored tobak.
  11. dunendain

    Samuel Gawith

    I don't know why, but the S.G. blends have disappeared in the local B&Ms, and when I placed an order online, they had none in stock. Just when I had gotten the guts to try XXX Rope. I would like like to try St. James as well. I have never tried a S.G. Va/Per.
  12. dunendain

    Absolutes of

    I never seem to be able to distinguish so many of the different flavors, and changes in flavors as well as most of the reviewers, but the site has helped me pick some winners. One thing I don't like, is that some guys seem to hold grudges against certain brands. I am not digging that. I have...
  13. dunendain

    June 2010 - What are you Smoking?

    Bad insomnia. Started smoking P.S. Bullseye Flake at 2 am in my Aldo Velani Bulldog.
  14. dunendain

    Welcome New Members. Introduce Yourself. (2)

    Welcome all new members, we are open to people from all corners, and all walks of life. Don't hesitate to jump in.
  15. dunendain

    Remember Those that Gave Their Lives

    Pistol I have always been fascinated by WW1. When man first met against machines on the battlefield, and chivalry wasn't yet dead. Do you know any really good books on the subject of WW1?
  16. dunendain

    Pipe Lighter Pros, Cons, Recommendations

    I stand by my plastic refillable Ronsons. They seem to last forever, until one of my sons walks away with one. Which tics me off. I would buy them Bics, if they would leave my lighters be.
  17. dunendain

    The Lady Smokes a Churchwarden

    I have been neglecting my churchwarden. Chelsea has inspired me to bust out that long boy : )
  18. dunendain

    What are You Reading?

    Math and Physics hurt my brain. Right now I am reading The Bobby Jones Autobiography. Have also been reading the Bible quite a bit. Very interesting book. I must say.
  19. dunendain

    Pipe Reaming. How to.

    Thanks guys. I make try a basket knife for now. A pipe reamer is nit in the budget. My mistake was buying pipes with bowl that were too small to begin with. When any cake builds, my pipe just doesn't hold much baccy. Maybe Santa will go to Cup O Joes for me.
  20. dunendain

    Pipe Reaming. How to.

    I have been smoking a pipe since 2004. I still don't seem to have a clue about when, or how much I should ream my pipes. I usually take a very small knife and make a mess of it. I seem to cut too much of the cake in certain places, and the pipe starts heating up, until the cake rebuilds. Anyone...