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24 Fresh Rossi Pipes
9 Fresh Claudio Cavicchi Pipes
108 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
3 Fresh J. Alan Pipes
6 Fresh Ashton Pipes

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  1. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    Thanks, Ill try and get rid of the post nasal drip and have good oral hygiene.
  2. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    Luckily I haven't had the pleasure of trying that yet, but sounds like I wont be.
  3. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    Yea im wondering if its just cause of my allergies right now and actually has nothing to do with the pipe.
  4. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    You saying milk is known to cause them??
  5. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    Been there, never doing this again. But everyone should do it at least once.
  6. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    They are really.....strange haha. Thanks ill look into the diet thing though.
  7. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    Just wasnt sure if anyone else had similar experiences. Havent asked my doctor yet because I havent needed to go and tonsil stones are more of a nuisance than a reason to make a dr appointment. Maybe ill bring it up to him next appointment.
  8. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    Hahaha this sums up how I feel perfectly.
  9. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    It's gonna be gross but the are white/yellow hard spots that develop on the tonsils. I can feel them back there, kind of feels like I have a popcorn kernel or something in my throat. Can cause a bad taste in your mouth/give bad breath. Edit: eventually they tend to break loose and you either...
  10. C

    Tonsil Stones??

    Hey guys, I recently started picking up the pipe and am really enjoying it. I was wondering though I’ve seen an uptick in tonsil stones and wanted to know if this could be because of smoking (maybe a couple bowls a week) or maybe it’s just cause of seasonal allergies?? If anyone has this issue...
  11. C

    Created My Sampler

    Ahh yes my apologies. I fully intend to smoke my way through (or at least most) this selection to help me figure out what I do and dont like before making more purchases. But glad to hear I made some good choices here!
  12. C

    Created My Sampler

    This seems like it’s a great idea, thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it my friend.
  13. C

    Created My Sampler

    Thanks for the suggestions! Ive added them to my list. This may be a dumb question but I dont have more than 3 mason jars, is it ok to keep the tobaccos in the bags and then store a couple of them in a single mason jar or should I plan on buying more jars this weekend??
  14. C

    Created My Sampler

    No that makes perfect sense. Do you have any recommendations?? Always open to learning new things especially from those more knowledgable than myself!
  15. C

    Created My Sampler

    Hey everyone, I decided to take y'all's advice and create my own sampler of about 1oz of each blend to figure out what I like and don’t like. I am knew you smoking a pipe so I really want to solidify what my likes are so this is the best way. Here’s a list of what my haul includes. Any...
  16. C

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    2011 Mac Baren London Blend in some shape Missouri Meerschaum. Pretty tasty smoke!
  17. C

    Beginner Sampler

    Dont worry, I added Balkan Supreme also. Thanks, cant wait to learn and explore everything. There are so many aspects it is a bit intimidating but learning is all part of the fun.
  18. C

    Beginner Sampler

    Thanks for the advice! I already added an oz of ODG to my cart so it will be interesting to see if I like that or not.
  19. C

    Beginner Sampler

    Ill add it to the cart! Interesting how cheap pipe tobacco is (per smoke at least) compared to cigars.
  20. C

    Beginner Sampler

    Thank you very much. Sounds like the 1oz bulk to try everything out and will look to see if I can squeeze in the Amphora to my budget. Appreciate the advice here.