It's funny because this is sort of how I felt about Granger. And I like (or at least don't mind) pretty much all codger burleys, but I didn't even finish the pouch of Granger.
SWR is still my favorite in the field.
Sometimes certain pipes do like certain blends, but I don't find the hard rules like narrow tall bowls for flakes, or wide bowls for English necessary. Plenty love flakes in a wide pot, and I have some very small, fairly narrow bowled pipes that I enjoy English blends in.
As others have said, serving size matters. I like the 4x32 cigarillos for this reason.
I do think there is more diversity in nicotine content amongst pipe blends. Even mild cigars have a noticeable amount to me. Black Cavendish? Don't notice a thing.
This one has Sat in my tupperdor for 5 years. I guess I was saving for an occasion, but I don't do special occasions, and with a lot going on lately I figured I'd just burn it. Pretty good.