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  1. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    I landed mine for under $100 Canadian including shipping. That's less than a 14 ounce container of Carter and Hall pipe tobacco in this woebegotten country. I'm on a pension. Mastercard is the answer :rolleyes:
  2. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    Let's hope not. I've not broken one yet . . . .
  3. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    I double posted again . . . aaaaaagggghhhhhhh!!!!! The message is for SmokinTheWind.
  4. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    I think flyrods might actually be worse than pipes . . . ..
  5. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    That would be welcome news indeed!!!!!! I've been wrong too many times, though, to count on it!!
  6. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    My new meer has arrived! $79.00 Canadian plus cheap shipping from Quetbec, 70 years old, unsmoked and with a case yet. Might be my best cheap pipe, eh? EBay so you know. Here are three shots of the beauty. And an info request from meer smokers after the pictures. If you notice inside...
  7. gord

    The Bear Facts, a Few Photos, and Some Northern Hunting Lore

    I've read that deer in the Northeastern States kill more people than all other animals combined if you include traffic accidents. I've heard of many people up here in the north gored and seriously injured by deer during the rut. And moose kill several people a year at least in traffic accidents...
  8. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    I agree . . . some older pipes, and newer pipes of old design, seem to be more suitable to "codger blends" or English styles than other types of tobacco. I've just bought a 70 year old unsmoked meerschaum, block, 6 1/2" straight pipe for less than $100 CAN, in a case, if you can believe it! I'm...
  9. gord

    The Bear Facts, a Few Photos, and Some Northern Hunting Lore

    The shortage of food is the big factor in Northern BC. We have the highest density of black bears in the world from McKenzie north (ie 50 miles north of Prince George, into the Arctic Watershed) They are small up there, and seldom reach 450 pounds. Mostly about 250. They're just regular bears...
  10. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    I'm on a Ropp discovery binge, myself :rolleyes:
  11. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    It is indeed an ugly little sucker, but in a loveable way. Like my 20 year old Shih-Tsu Ricoh. . He's totally blind and deaf, (has been for 3 years) stinks like a compost heap, is disobedient as all get out, but he still loves to eat, sleep, dump, urinate on my feet as I sit down and read, and...
  12. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    Same reply as to Sigmund above.
  13. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    Maybe that's why all of the clarinettists and oboeists I know are batshit crazy.
  14. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    It is my heaviest pipe of that size, by quite a margin. But I agree with your statement further, and wouldn't be limiting it to Asia. Ethics don't seem to rule anywhere at present.
  15. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    Hmmmm . . . . estate pipes . . . . . . I'm not there yet, and am not sure I want to be lol!
  16. gord

    What is Your Lighter of Choice?

    An cheapy Yusud. Kind of retro, quirky, butane filled. Adjustable flame. Tried a torch style at first, but with almost no sight in my right eye, charred a few too many bowls because of depth perception. Not as hot as the torch, so I char bowls much more slowly lol. Use this indoors...
  17. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    That's great to know - I'd love to try a clay pipe one day, but was leery of its longevity.
  18. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    Yes, I was expecting a lot of "cob" replies but they are perfectly wonderful to give to newbies as a gift. Maybe the best, in fact - I sure enjoy mine, and they need almost no breaking in, a real bonus for newbies. So are used pipes that you don't really like. The fact that it is from you is...
  19. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    Yup, we all have a cob or two, and they smoke great! Mine cost me seven bucks and if you lose it fighting a big fish, well, that's the way the rookie stumbles. Who cares, especially if you land the lunker. Got anything besides cobs that might qualify?
  20. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    Putting a price limit of $30 bucks. The type you'd buy for a newbie friend. I got a couple of friends started on this beauty, which costs $20 bucks on Amazon. Made by Muxiang, and it is made of ebony. Smokes Great. Could be plain hardwood but I do think it's ebony. Reason? In my callow youth we...