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  1. gord

    Three Winners

    As you will remember, I surveyed members of the forum and asked for three separate recommendations for newbies and for myself. 1. Flavoured, cherry and chocolate, primarily aromatics for newbs 2. English style 3. Orientals. I've almost compiled my surveys and will let you know what I have...
  2. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    A couple of cut to size wooden matches also work if you want a hack.
  3. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    Yes. For plain and simple tobaccos, the chrome aluminum. It's stem cannot be adjusted for probing taste areas as easily, so I'll be using it when I'm fishing with a simple English. The Interntational version has a detachable stem and can be manipulated to access the taste receptors much more...
  4. gord

    The Great Canadian Skragg

    Yup, for sure. I'm reaching that point too, where ignorance could very well be bliss.
  5. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    Looks like a clone of my first order! Here's my dynamic duo!
  6. gord

    The Great Canadian Skragg

    Ever thought of making chewing tobacco? Lots of vids online. I'm gonna try that myself!
  7. gord

    Pipe Types and Why I Lean Towards Longstems

    Well, here's my first real thread on my personal opinions, based on my growth as a slow smoker in progress. And do chime in with your disagreements because I'm still very much in the learning phase. The wooden stemmed Churchwarden, to me, is ideal for "probing". If you remember your biology...
  8. gord

    Preferred Bowl Size For Burley Blends

    I'm in the process of dedicating certain pipes to certain tobaccos, mostly because of the ghosting factor. I love wood, and in my experience at least, there are distinct burning characteristics to different woods. Cherrywood and Meerschaum pipes ghost and smoking say, a strong Navy blend in a...
  9. gord

    The Great Canadian Skragg

    Thanks! I've had nothing but love for Americans, too. Heck, half of my family, the real Polish Catholic side, lives in St. Louis! What a great city! And I used to frequent the antelope fields in Wyoming in my early hunting days. Platte River has some of the best trout fishing in the world. I...
  10. gord

    The Great Canadian Skragg

    My mother, never at a loss for words, would have said "You elected those idiots. You'll find sympathy in the dictionary between shit and syphillis." I feel about the same way. :poop: hahau
  11. gord

    The Great Canadian Skragg

    That's a great tray! I can see a new C&D tobacco tin inspired by it. Alice in Wonderland? The Mad Hatter's Banquet? Afternoon Tea Party? Love it!! :ROFLMAO: I guess those kind of names reflect the times and different places after they come in to use. In BC at that time, it definitely meant tall...
  12. gord

    The Great Canadian Skragg

    With that much, you could grind them up, simmer them in molasses, and make chewing tobacco . . . . might be pretty good. :LOL:
  13. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    What a great article! Thanks. PDF'd it and put it in my files :col:
  14. gord

    The Great Canadian Skragg

    That's the name of my jar of tailings, left-over but not enough to smoke tobacco, tobacco I don't really care for, and so on. I'm sure all of you have a similar jar you add to and eventually smoke. Sometimes, it's pretty good, eh? So why the "skragg" moniker? Scrag, or scragg (I've seen it...
  15. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    Thanks! Some good and useful hacks here. I did try paring down a regular churchwarden pipe cleaner, but it still wouldn't fit. I'll give making a ring or three with your described method asap. Cheers mate!
  16. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    Nope. I did buy a new 1988 Mustang Cobra in 1988 during the panic stages of midlife crisis. Would blow the doors of anything on the road in those days. My love affair with muscle cars ended when I moved to Prince George and began to hunt and fish in earnest. We did have a Ford Falcon station...
  17. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    I'll remember that final point for sure! Thanks!
  18. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    No, I haven't tried the dry rings, and probably won't. Apparently the system takes well to rinsing with water, and the Q-tips worked perfectly. I'm in the habit of using readily available household items rather than costly items designed for specific purposes. Find they usually work as well or...
  19. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    Thanks! Didn't think about water. Our tap water up here is really "tasty" - very hard and calcifies when it drys. I have a filter system installed but am still careful. I'll use distilled water in a bowl. Good hack! Thanks again!
  20. gord

    The Agony of Day One of My Pipe Fast

    I did three full days. Had a few cigars. Worked. Tongue back to normal, and I'd recommend laying off for a day or two at least if you get a real bad case. I'll do it again if I have to. But of course, moderation in all things . . . . :ROFLMAO::LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO: :LOL::LOL::LOL: