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  1. gord

    Test Driving A Falcon

    Well, my 3 day pipe fast is over and successful, and the tongue is just fine. So, took out one of my new Falcons (the traditional chromed aluminum straight), and baptized it with my own English. A perfect match. Observations: 1. It smokes cool. The shaft doesn't get hot, but the bottom of the...
  2. gord

    On Smoking Slowly and the Benefits...

    Yes, I've found similar results. And as cosmicfolklore said in my now (to me) infamous post on gurgling, so does learning how to smoke and drying your tobacco more. I don't go bone dry, but go at least two stages farther than I used to. Going to cover this in an upcoming post.
  3. gord

    On Smoking Slowly and the Benefits...

    My progress in slow smoking is going, at least imho, going very well indeed. I'll look forward to posting on this but right now, I'm outta the house. Really nice day and it's no time to be inside. :)
  4. gord

    A Whine To Go With Old Age

    Nothing. I don't have a dermatologist, and fired my last doctor seven years ago. Since then, I've enjoyed the best health of my life. The only doctors that will see me again are the emergency ones that will deal with me when I collapse and am rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. If I'm not...
  5. gord

    A Whine To Go With Old Age

    Doesn't that result in Crotch Crickets?
  6. gord

    A Whine To Go With Old Age

    Yes, that chart is a real boon to eczema sufferers. There are a lot more of them out there now, mostly because of diet and seed oils What is not as well known is that eczema is principally an auto-immune condition, and as we reach our late middle age and 70's especially, our immune system goes...
  7. gord

    A Whine To Go With Old Age

    Yeah. Rember that old saying, "Listen well, young man. Yesterday I was 16, and today I am 70." Happens overnight, doesn't it?
  8. gord

    A Whine To Go With Old Age

    Will certainly do that. Thanks. I'll pick up some Dawn next shopping trip to town. I've a couple of tubes of 1% hydrocortisone, and it works but like anything else, you have to mix things up once in a while 'cause the system gets used to a particular drug or remedy. Natural things like proper...
  9. gord

    A Whine To Go With Old Age

    I'm sure that many of you past 70, like me, have been confronted with an immune system that is going to crap, and this is affecting your lifestyle. My whine is the recent development of eczema, which I never had at any point in my life until three years ago. Now I have to be very careful of...
  10. gord

    The Agony of Day One of My Pipe Fast

    Sounds a bit severe to me! :LOL:
  11. gord

    The Agony of Day One of My Pipe Fast

    No doubt you are correct. I "fasted" for two or three days once in a while, not taking my instrument out the case (I was a professional violinist) during a break in the action on the occasion we had a two or three day lull in our busy schedules. Always went back to it with fresh vigour! Good advice!
  12. gord

    Will This Style Of Smoking Negatively Effect Cigars?

    I absolutely agree. Don't light it up if you don't intend to smoke it to completion. Wise advise. it's been my experience with lower end cigars as well. I smoke Colts Cavendish Tipped, Phillies Blunts in various flavours, and Backweeds bananas. Hardly connosieur fare, but decent if you don't...
  13. gord

    The Agony of Day One of My Pipe Fast

    Thanks! After the initial disappointment over not getting to test out the Falcons, not a bad day at all. Had a couple of Colts and a Backwoods Banana. Did some reading, watched a couple of vids on the internet, and a bit of filing and cleaning up. Tongue's noticeably better and tomorrow's...
  14. gord

    The Agony of Day One of My Pipe Fast

    That's what I'm expecting! Just too much lately. Even today, I've only had one cigar and a Colt. May have one in the evening, too, if buddy Mike comes over for a bowl.
  15. gord

    The Agony of Day One of My Pipe Fast

    Once you see the snapshot below, you will understand. The top one arrived Tuesday, the bottom one this morning. Aaaaagggghhhhhh! But I will persist. Discipline, discipline. My movement lately has been towards straight pipes. I wonder if the reason is the Icon, partially shown in the frame...
  16. gord

    Taking A Pipe Break For Three Days

    This is day 1. So far so good. Started the day with a Colt Cavendish tipped, and for my lunch break I enjoyed a Phillies Blunt. I really do enjoy cigars. However, my Falcon Pipe and two bowls just arrived yesterday, so there is a bit of agony involved!!:cry:
  17. gord

    Questions About Meerschaum for Meerschaum Smokers

    And your anecdotal information is most welcome! Thank you!!
  18. gord

    Taking A Pipe Break For Three Days

    Man, do you give me a lot of welcome information! Thanks!!! Up to this point, I've just smoked them until a substantial layer of real carbon has been built up, I'm glad that there is a more drastic and permanent solution and am going to try it on an expendable pipe. Unfortunately, even the...