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  1. mrbrandybuck

    List Your Other Hobbies / Interests

    Besides smoking I also indulge in reading, stargazing, hiking, and keeping up with politics. I play guitar (still an amateur) and listen to music daily.
  2. mrbrandybuck

    Hot cup of...??? - Let's talk Cafe & Tobacco

    My favorite coffee at the moment is Irish Creme by Distant Lands Coffee Roasters.
  3. mrbrandybuck

    Sterling Tobacco Samples...

    Nice they are sending me a sample of 1776 Old Dominion. I can't wait.
  4. mrbrandybuck

    What music do you listen to while smoking?

    Just plastic. I've recently ordered all three Syd Barrett albums. I can't wait til they come in.
  5. mrbrandybuck

    What music do you listen to while smoking?

    I'm working on getting all of Pink Floyds albums. I have all of them except Soundtrack from the film more and Momentary Lapse of Reason.
  6. mrbrandybuck

    Sterling Tobacco Samples...

    Thanks a lot for this link. I just sent them an email. I can't wait to get my sample. =)
  7. mrbrandybuck

    What music do you listen to while smoking?

    Pretty cool you mentioned Ummagumma because I just received it in the mail today along with Obscured By Clouds and a really cool floyd poster.
  8. mrbrandybuck

    What music do you listen to while smoking?

    Links to good pipe songs would be nice. Here is my favorite smoking song.
  9. mrbrandybuck

    What music do you listen to while smoking?

    My favorite thing to listen to while smoking a nice pipe is Pink Floyd
  10. mrbrandybuck

    where are you from

    I live in Massachusetts and my favorite thing about living here is walking through the woods or along the river smoking a nice pipe and enjoying the wonders of nature.
  11. mrbrandybuck

    Favorite thing to do while smoking

    I like to enjoy a nice cup of tea while sucking on my pipe. Also watching Star Trek and playing World of Warcraft while smoking is nice too.
  12. mrbrandybuck

    August 2010 - What are you smoking?

    I'm alternating between Sweet Black Cherry and Black Forest Cavendish