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  1. mrbrandybuck

    My Review of Shortcut to Mushrooms.

    This tobacco was very easy to light. The first thing I taste is the latakia. At first it is a very strong smokey flavor. A few minutes into the bowl the smokey flavor subsides and I taste a creamy earthy flavor. This blend makes a good amount of smoke and smokes cool and dry. The smokey flavor...
  2. mrbrandybuck

    Which side of the mouth do you put your pipe?

    I smoke out of the left side.
  3. mrbrandybuck

    What are you guys doing tonight?

    I just smoked a pipe of Old Toby. It has a very nice smoky taste from the Perique. It also has a pretty high amount of N, which is nice.
  4. mrbrandybuck

    September 2010 - What are you smoking? Vol. II

    Smoking a cob full of Old Toby.
  5. mrbrandybuck

    September 2010 - What are you smoking? Vol. II

    Longbottom Leaf in my peace pipe.
  6. mrbrandybuck

    What are you guys doing tonight?

    I just received my Middle-Earth sampler pack and 2 Syd Barrett cds from the mail today so tonight is going to be filled with smoke and good music! =)
  7. mrbrandybuck

    September 2010 - What are you smoking? Vol. II

    Just finished smoking 2 bowls from my peace pipe. 1st was Ceremonial from Kinni-kinnick Indian Tobacco. the 2nd was Sweet Black Cherry from 2 Guys smoke shop. Smoked while listening to Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree.
  8. mrbrandybuck

    Do you use pipe screens. Why or why not?

    I do not. I very rarely get stuff coming through my pipe so I don't find it necessary for the pipes I have. Do you use one?
  9. mrbrandybuck

    September 2010 - What are you smoking? Vol. II

    Smoking a bowl of 1776 Old Dominion in my briar.
  10. mrbrandybuck

    Your Favorite Material Items

    My computer, my peace pipe, my tobacco, tea, my pink floyd cd collection, my syd barrett cds. My first guitar which is in terrible shape but I still love it. I got it when I was 5 and now it only has 3 strings but it still sounds great to me =) Gotta love the simple things.
  11. mrbrandybuck

    What are You Reading?

    I'm reading Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use. By Jacob Sullum. It was recommended by John Stossel on his show. It compares today's drug war with Alcohol prohibition and shows how making things illegal doesn't get rid of them it just creates crime and a black market. I am also reading The...
  12. mrbrandybuck

    My new pipe.

    One benefit of a small bowl is I can smoke a few different kinds of tobacco in the time it'd take to smoke 1 bowl of 1 kind. I sometimes get sick of smoking the same kind of tobacco for a long time.
  13. mrbrandybuck

    September 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Just smoked 2 bowls from my Peace Pipe. 1st was Bargain Blend from Sterling Tobacco 2nd was Sherlock's Surprise from 2 Guys Smoke Shop.
  14. mrbrandybuck

    My new pipe.

    The pipe cost me 55$ and I bought it from This pipe is the best tasting pipe I have ever smoked. The only problem I have with it is the bowl is tiny compared to my other pipes. From the time I ordered it to the time it arrived was only about 3 days and it came all the...
  15. mrbrandybuck

    Middle Earth series tobacco.

    So I ordered the sample pack. One question I have for people who have purchased it. How much of each blend comes in the sampler pack?
  16. mrbrandybuck

    My new pipe.

    I just bought a new pipe. What do you think of it.
  17. mrbrandybuck

    Cornell and Diehl shipping prices?

    I have been interested in purchasing tobacco from them. However I do not want to spend a lot on shipping. I was wondering if somebody who has purchased from them before could enlighten me on how much the typical shipping price is for 2 Ounces of tobacco.
  18. mrbrandybuck

    September 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Smoking a bowl of Savannah blend in my Briar. Listening to Ayreon and drinking a cup of Vanilla Chai tea.
  19. mrbrandybuck

    September 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Bargain Blend by Sterlingtobacco co. in my Corncob