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  1. mrbrandybuck

    December, 2010 What Are You Smoking? II

    Smoking a bowl of Dark Horse and listening to some Pink Floyd.
  2. mrbrandybuck

    December, 2010 What Are You Smoking?

    Just smoked a bowl of Sweet Black Cherry by 2 Guys Smoke Shop in my peace pipe.
  3. mrbrandybuck

    December, 2010 What Are You Smoking?

    smoking a bowl or two of Autumn Evening in my peace pipe
  4. mrbrandybuck

    December, 2010 What Are You Smoking?

    Smoking a bowl of Old Toby in my corncob.
  5. mrbrandybuck

    December, 2010 What Are You Smoking?

    Finishing off a bowl I started last night. Ceremonial in my briar.
  6. mrbrandybuck

    does anyone else watch nwpipesmoker?

    Haven't seen any of his videos. I watch pipe videos by pipefriendchs
  7. mrbrandybuck

    My First Pipe Pictures

    I bought them from their Nashua store. I live in Lowell
  8. mrbrandybuck

    My First Pipe Pictures

    My Peace Pipe is actually the best smoke, it's only downside is it has a very shallow bowl so it's prone to tobacco falling out and it can't hold much tobacco. However that is not always a bad thing as you can smoke 2-3 different tobaccos in the time it would take you to smoke 1 bowl of a normal...
  9. mrbrandybuck

    My First Pipe Pictures

    Sorry when I edited the post it made a duplicate.
  10. mrbrandybuck

    My First Pipe Pictures

    So I decided it's about time I shot some pipe related pictures for the forum, so here they are. Two pictures of my very first pipe. My 2nd pipe, first corncob. My 1st and 2nd pipes with a tin of Autumn Evening my favorite Aromatic. My Peace Pipe. Me smoking a bowl of Autumn Evening in...
  11. mrbrandybuck

    Favorite blends

    I've got several favorites. I'll list a few of them. Savannah by TobaccoTraderUSA is a cavendish with hints of vanilla. Autumn's Evening by Cornell and Diehl, an aromatic consisting of Red Virginia cased with maple. All 5 of the Middle Earth pipe tobaccos from JustForHim Dark Horse by 2 Guys...
  12. mrbrandybuck

    My review of Haunted Bookshop by Cornell and Diehl.

    Bought a 2 oz bag of this blend. It arrived extremely dry. Extremely easy to light. Burns hot but not too hot. It alternates between a 2 and a 3 stars. The perique is not very noticeable but when it comes through it is very pleasant. The virginias are more noticeable than the perique and are...
  13. mrbrandybuck question

    I live in Massachusetts so I'm pretty sure there should be some kind of tax.
  14. mrbrandybuck question

    I ordered 4 ounces of tobacco. This was my first time buying from them when putting in my payment information it asked me to check a box that said "I am responsible for paying all taxes on tobacco from my state or locality" but when I looked at the bill they did not include any taxes. Do they...
  15. mrbrandybuck

    PAD... again,

    Just wondering what does PAD mean? The only PAD I know is peripheral artery disease.
  16. mrbrandybuck

    October 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Just smoked a nice bowl of Shortcut to Mushrooms in my corncob.
  17. mrbrandybuck

    October 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Smoking a bowl of 1776 Old Dominion in my Cob.
  18. mrbrandybuck

    October 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Smoking a bowl of Old Toby in a corncob.
  19. mrbrandybuck

    What are You Reading?

    I am re-reading my favorite book. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.
  20. mrbrandybuck

    October 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Smoking a bowl of my new favorite blend. Dark Horse by 2 Guys Smoke Shop. Smoking it in my corncob.