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  1. rmcnabb

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    Yes, it is from Burns in Chatta-vegas! It's fantastic leaf. I've never actually had any fresh Escudo so I'm going to get a tin to compare - plus lots more to age. Most of my old stuff is English, pretty latakia heavy (lots of Dunhill Nightcap for instance) so I hope it will still be tasty...
  2. rmcnabb

    Great Britain Cracking Down?

    Yes indeed. I would love to be able to get Danish and German stuff sent direct.
  3. rmcnabb

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    Opened a tin of some of my older stock. Absolutely superb. Extremely cool smoke - never went out once all the way to the bottom of the bowl. The Virginias have aged fantastically.
  4. rmcnabb

    Great Britain Cracking Down?

    Aren't there plenty of good tobacconists in the UK? Of course they should be allowed to order from whomever they want but I would have thought they had good beer and good tobacco well sorted.
  5. rmcnabb

    Greetings from East Tennessee

    Thanks to everyone! Thanks to TN Jed - I'm a Deadhead too!
  6. rmcnabb

    Greetings from East Tennessee

    Indeed! Ol' Davy is from "just up the road".
  7. rmcnabb

    Greetings from East Tennessee

    Hello everyone...just getting back into pipes after a several year hiatus. I've enjoyed pipe smoking for over 40 years, but in fits and starts. I have a pretty good sized tobacco cellar that I haven't looked at in ages, but there are some rarities in there including several large tins of...