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  1. Flatfish


    A figure of eight.... That's crazy. Not sure it would work for F1. How do you complete a risk assessment for a figure of eight track? Looks fun though. Speed is fairly low I suppose. Thanks for sharing. Long live this new thread.
  2. Flatfish

    hello from New Zealand

    Welcome from West Wales.
  3. Flatfish

    Esoterica Penzance According to ChatGPT

    This AI business is quite disturbing. I think I will avoid it. Don't want it knowing too much about me. Need to build a cabin in the woods I think.
  4. Flatfish

    If You've Never Heard of "The Corrs", Listen to This

    I also liked The Cranberries. Another Irish group from about the same time.
  5. Flatfish

    If You've Never Heard of "The Corrs", Listen to This

    My parents had their cd. I liked their songs.
  6. Flatfish

    Gardening Talk

    Today I took cuttings of various "plants" in the garden. I don't know their names. But they look nice. Stuck them in moist compost and will wait and see what happens. I'm sure something will grow. I have a nice garden, just don't know exactly what I have. I recognise roses (I bought them the...
  7. Flatfish

    Greetings From London.

    Welcome from West Wales
  8. Flatfish

    Soulless Tobacco Containers.

    Even the boring tins are nicer than what we see in the UK. Example below.
  9. Flatfish

    Formula 1 (2023)

    Dull. Briefly got excited when a driver reported rain. But it was an old sneeze on the inside of his helmet or something. Just don't know what the answer is. I do know that the Citroen 2CV racing I saw recently was far more exciting.
  10. Flatfish

    Formula 1 (2023)

    The V10's went NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOWWW And that was cool.
  11. Flatfish

    Any Tea Drinkers?

    I wonder who first took some dried leaves and decided, "I will smoke this" and then another pile of dried leaves and decided "I will make tea with this"
  12. Flatfish

    Dear Gawith & Hoggarth

    Even I was tempted to buy a tin as a show of support.
  13. Flatfish

    Older Guys: What are Your Thoughts?

    If you have enough to live on, be content. Your time with your family will be worth more to them than anything you can buy them.
  14. Flatfish

    As a Perique Lover, I Wish I Still Drank!

    Wonder if it leaves dottle on the bottom of the glass. 🤔
  15. Flatfish

    Sam Gawith

    This is getting a bit silly.
  16. Flatfish

    Formula 1 (2023)

    I think they should make every track wet. Makes things more interesting. Surprised to see Ocon up there. Good for him. Perez seemed very untidy today.
  17. Flatfish

    Sam Gawith

    Blasphemy. Old stuff is cool. 😁
  18. Flatfish

    Any Tea Drinkers?

    Tea is my go to hot drink. Tried many, but Irish breakfast, Earl Grey, Russian Caravan are my favourites. Also had a lovely Rwandan. However as cost of living bites, my posh loose tea is diminishing. So Yorkshire in bags is the main tea now and its a good brew, plus cheap rubbish Earl Grey...
  19. Flatfish


    I'm sure manflu is worse than childbirth.