The spirit of Som Besths overwhelmed me, and I decided to open my gift.

Right off the bat, I knew I was dealing with someone equally filled with the Som Besths spirit, as they took time to individually wrap each item. I also couldn’t help but notice that their gift-wrapping skills far exceed my own. Wrapping round tins ain’t easy, I’ve tried!

And oh me, oh my, what a haul of Christmas cheer!
First, I’m a sucker for any blend associated with Christmas. Santa’s Sack is one I’ve yet to try. Very much looking forward to it. In fact, got a few pinches of it drying as I type.
The Jackknife Plug is a blend that just recently hit my radar, and WAS on my list to buy the next time a GLP sale rolled around
I purchased one tin of Phantom Privateer when it dropped, because FOMO. After all the rave reviews, however, I was kinda wishing I’d grabbed a few more. Very grateful to add one more!
And finally, the “piece of resistance” (to quote the LEGO movie). Good ol’ St James flake. One of my favorites, and ALWAYS glad to get a bit more of that.
The cherry on top. A cool little tamper made from an empty shell casing. As a bit of a firearm enthusiast, I think it’s pretty great
Thank you, thank you, Sobrbiker for the wonderful gift. Som Besths and Merry Christmas to you and yours! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta set fire to Santa’s sack….