Secret Santa? I'm in! Sign me up!
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Secret Santa? I'm in! Sign me up!
"It was just those five with her at the end, all the others having gone off to their respective lair, in search of tranquility and a long year's nap, conserving their spirit and stamina for when the beast would again rear it's fearsome head"You should be receiving your match shortly. Be sure to refresh your inbox every few minutes until it arrives.
Yeah, Jeff, you def put effort into this...the little astronaut action figures were definitely a surprise, but so were the detailed cartoons on the 6 little post-it sized pieces of paper, which were a pretty cool artistic touch. Also got to experience my first bowls of Penzance, a sparkly looking flake of Stonehaven and Frog Morton OTT....which were all incredible! Oh...and the double bagged (for my protection) sample of Captain Black have been plenty of displays of great generosity throughout this thread by others; I don’t think I spoiled any of the Secret Santa recipients I’ve gotten so far. I’ve just been lucky enough that the members I’ve gotten have shared enough personal info in the forum to make it fun for me to find cool things to put in their boxes—last year, it was great fun for me to find the missing toys @PA Piper Mike wrote about—I knew he wouldn’t expect a blast from the past like that; and @cosmicfolklore has enough varied interests he’s written about that it kicked my hunter/gatherer gene into play to try to find stuff that would have meaning to him. It’s all in the Som Besths spirit that this forum exudes.
Can do. Please note I only accept Group 6 Dunhills, Ivarsson pipes and Esoterica and McCelland TobaccosYou should be receiving your match shortly. Be sure to refresh your inbox every few minutes until it arrives.