Took advantage of a brief warm spell today with a half flake of OGS in a Foyard beechwood Rhodesian. If all buttons were this plump, I'd never need a softy bit again. 9/10
Bird report: White-crowned sparrow, House finch, Dark-eyed junco, California towhee, Band-tailed pigeon, American crow, Red-tailed hawk, Blue-grey gnatcatcher, Northern flicker, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, California quail, Oak titmouse, Mountain chickadee, and White-breasted nuthatch.
Dinner at a friend's house tonight, so taking my Al Pascia meer with me, along with a bowl of Mac Baren Navy Flake, in case it's not too cold outside (we get fairly drastic day-to-night temperature swings here).