Well, Success #3 - went as I thought it would. About two smokes away from being "de-mineralized" and smoking as a meer should. The meer-lined bowl is being "ghosted" for rum based tobaccos, especially my favourite in this category, Backwoods Buttered Rum. I'm not inordinately fond of aromatics, either cherry or rum based, but I do like them occasionally, and my little miniature meer is biased for cherry. Maybe four or five times a month I'll dig into an aromatic of this nature and enjoy it.
The smoke was very good, and I could tell that I was smoking Backweeds and not one of the other variations on the theme that are buried in my two stash drawers. I also have a buttered rum that I smoke occasionally that I put together with a mix of Smokers' Pride Rum Tobacco and a mix of Black Cavendish. Slows the burn rate of the basic tobacco considerably, and tastes pretty good even if I do say so myself. My buddy Mike sucks it up like there's no tomorrow, so it'll see some use in the meer bowl as well on my behalf.
Ended the break-in ordeals with a bowl full of Pirate Kake, which by this time was balm for my tongue. Smoked it in my Brigham Tundra Rhodesian. I'll spend the next couple of days with cigars and chew, giving the abused organ and my lips a hiatus. Not that I have tongue bite this time, I don't. but I think my tastebuds need a restoration job, eh? Here's my Brigham Tundra Rhodesian, a wonderful smoker (pretty cheap - guys looking for a stellar travel pipe should look in this direction).

Like the Terminator, "I'll be back."