Trader Joes has some decent frozen wild caught fish. It use to be reasonably priced but haven't checked in a while.
Not reasonable anymore, unfortunately. But their offerings are certainly decent.
It's only gonna get worse, as we've depleted well over 3/4 of the ocean's bounty.
Why do you think all the hungry sharks are now looking to the coastal areas for tasty bipeds?
As Agent Smith said in The Matrix, humanity is a blight upon the planet, a virus.
Smoke 'em while you got 'em....
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Ah, the ol' standby for the parasitic AI. Blaming the humans when it's the AI themselves that are in reality the "blight" they speak of. The humans just
seem to be the virus, merely because they imitate their parasitic masters.
@brian64 and
@olkofri will back me up on this, I'm sure. ?
That bounty depletion statistic is pretty specific for something that cannot in any way, shape, or form be verified for accuracy. As opposed to this one: the creation is doing just fine, and it always will--it was designed that way. The sharks, like other animals, are just returning to areas they haven't been seen at in years. And if a human ends up on an Hors D'oeuvre plate here and there, that's just the breaks.
But I ain't tryin' to hijack the thread here...back to the flounder. It is indeed worth every penny. Just ask Elaine: