Flounder is excellent and underrated even 30 years ago. When i worked in a fish market people would prefer Filet of Sole because it was whiter/lighter - fine flaked and fine boned. Its ALL Flounder unless its Dover sole from East Atlantic or Mediterranean. The bottom side of the flounder is lighter in color than top side and people would only want lighter color side --- two halves of same fish is same fish !??? Crazy ... they would pay a premium and say it tastes different ... no it doesn't. I would think that a lot of people paid top dollar for filet of sole but were getting bottom side flounder !!!
Does anyone have a large frying pan ?:

Here's a good quick article on different species in Americas :
Does anyone have a large frying pan ?:

Here's a good quick article on different species in Americas :

Sole vs Flounder: How Are They Different?
Sole vs flounder key differences are in classification, habitat, eye placement and culinary value. Who wins?