Weighing Up COVID-19 And Smoking

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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
God came down to you in a dream at say 50 years of age and made you aware that you would be taken to Glory at age 76 years.
However, he also said that if you choose to live a sanitized life of NO ? , ☕️, ?, ?, ?, etc. ... you’d live to be 82.
Your choice!?
For me there is no choice...76 yrs sounds just fine to me.??
No one in my family has lived to see 66 so I defile myself as often as possible. Women are too much of a distraction, my body burns up everything I eat and have 0% body fat and no measurable bad cholesterol. Junk food, smoking, and liquor are my daily routine.


Jan 31, 2011
What I can't stand is plain water. So, I must drink flavoured water: lemonade, orangade, fruit juice diluted with Perrier, ale, coffee, ale, tea, ale, and so forth. Reminds me, gotta start working on these V8 low-sodium bottles.

Ok, I hate to break it to you, but drinking "lemonade, orangade, fruit juice diluted with Perrier, ale, coffee, ale, tea, ale, and so forth" ain't drinking water. LOL


Jan 31, 2011
God came down to you in a dream at say 50 years of age and made you aware that you would be taken to Glory at age 76 years.
However, he also said that if you choose to live a sanitized life of NO ? , ☕, ?, ?, ?, etc. ... you’d live to be 82.
Your choice!?
For me there is no choice...76 yrs sounds just fine to me.??

I had a dream like that when I was 50, but it wasn't God, it was George Burns.

Dallas Wynn

Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 19, 2019
NW Arkansas
God came down to you in a dream at say 50 years of age and made you aware that you would be taken to Glory at age 76 years.
However, he also said that if you choose to live a sanitized life of NO ? , ☕️, ?, ?, ?, etc. ... you’d live to be 82.
Your choice!?
For me there is no choice...76 yrs sounds just fine to me.??
My only wish is to live long enough to raise my daughter and allow her to be of an age that can accept it. I don't subscribe to the ideology of the western world; I celebrate death and view it as the source of beauty and meaning. As long as I can pass her the knowledge to assist her with finding enlightenment, I will blissfully embrace my transition beyond this existence.

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I had a dream like that when I was 50, but it wasn't God, it was George Burns.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 14, 2019
In my opinion, if you already have generally healthy habits, keep on doing them and stay away from people and practice good hygiene. An occasional pipe isn't going to take you down unless it contributes to an already underlying issue. Smoke by yourself and be safe!


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 20, 2014
As such discussions take their circular path, remember to go for what you know and compartmentalize.

We know that tobacco in any form, even non-inhaled smoke, is bad for you and your lungs. We know that you will get any virus more readily if you smoke.

The only question is *how much* of an effect it has.

We also know that the answer to that is quite dependent upon how much you smoke.

IMO, pipe smoking is going to have a definite but not huge affect on your immune system.


Another factor is that the act of quiting any drug you are fairly dependent on is a bit hard on your body. Once withdrawal has alleviated you are healthier, but the actual withdrawal is stress on your body.

So, anyway... the only question is *how much* it will help you to quit the pipe right now weighed against enjoyment factor, life disruption, etc.. The answer would vary greatly depending on the level of your habit.

I am not smoking, but had I not already been on a break I would likely not have quit.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 11, 2020
After reading this thread, I quit on Sunday evening for a few days and plan to cut way back from about ~40 bowls a week to ~7 bowls a week.

Good news is I was able to put the pipe down with NO nicotine withdrawals after years of smoking. I was a bit concerned after struggling to give up cigs years ago proved to be much much harder than I thought but was pleasantly surprised that there was zero withdrawals from my pipes. I think this is largely due to the fact that I do not intentionally inhale.

At any rate, I feel better having quit for four days and limiting myself to a few bowls a week. I’m not sure that pipe smoking, for me, poses much risk at all but it makes me feel like I am taking care of myself and doing everything I can to protect me and my family. A sense of control if you will.


Oct 3, 2019
Good news is I was able to put the pipe down with NO nicotine withdrawals after years of smoking.

I am convinced that there is something important in the difference in addiction between cigarettes and pipes. I don’t know if it’s the tobacco, the delivery mechanism, the inhaling, or whatever. But I wish it was understood.

You’d think that people who want to understand and treat addiction would be interested in this result.