Samuel Gawith Navy Flake Pipe Tobacco Review

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I’m always interested at the names that are given to some of the tobaccos that we pipe smokers buy. I guess like all marketing the name of this is supposed to give buyers a mental picture that will enhance their smoking experience and there is a little bit of the navy about this tobacco … well the British Navy rather than the US Navy … for there’s just a hint of rum about the taste.

Despite the name and despite the taste you don’t have to be a sailor to smoke this quite reasonable blend and you’ll find that it’s even quite acceptable in a room with those who may not smoke a pipe.

This is a tobacco that I found was quite easy to smoke straight from the tin without any delay for drying time. In fact you might even find that it gets a little dry in the tin so watch the moisture levels. If you’re not a big fan of Latakia then don’t let that name in the blend put you off because it’s fairly subtle and only enhances the blend rather than overwhelms it.

If you do like Latakia in your blends and then you won’t be disappointed either but just be aware that it is subtle and the Virginia tobacco is the main ingredient here. Some friends who have tried it have had problems keeping it lit but that isn’t something that I’ve experienced.

Overall I would say that this is a good smoke but certainly not spectacular so if you’re looking for something that will really hit the spot then maybe you need to look a little further. But if you’ve never tried a Latakia blend before then this one would be a good blend to start with.

Brand: Samuel Gawith
Tin Description: Choice Virginias blended with Latakia.
Country of Origin: UK
Curing Group: Air Cured
Contents: Virginia, Latakia
Cut: Flake
Packaging: 50g Tin
Strength: Medium
Flavoring: Mild to Medium
Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable
Recommendation: Recommended

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

6 Responses

  • It is a lovely review of a slightly underwhelming tobacco. It’s…okay. However, I want you to sample and review Samuel Gawith’s Bracken Flake some day! Man, I need to get over this tobacco…

  • Thanks analogmoz. Yes, I thought was good, but not great. I will have to try the Bracken Flake. Please be my guest if you would like to make a blog and do a review of it yourself too! So far, it’s just Python and I. 😉

  • I’m new to your site – though I’ve been smoking pipes for a while – first as a young man, and now even more as a more “mature” guy.
    I like Nave Flake — but three out of my top ten tabacs are from Sam Gawith. It’s a nice “go-to” blend for us lovers of Virginias

  • Welcome to the site usa2traveller. Yes, Samuel Gawith certainly knows what he’s doing when it comes to pipe tobacco.
    I like how you called it “Sam Gawith”. It reminds me of the movie Scent of a Woman …
    Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Clear them little bottles off. And when I get off the phone here, call up Hyman and tell him I want it wall to wall with John Daniels.
    Charlie Simms: Don’t you mean Jack Daniels?
    Lt. Col. Frank Slade: He may be Jack to you son, but when you’ve known him as long as I have… that’s a joke.

  • In My Humble Opinion
    SG, Balkan Flake is a nicer fuller baccy
    Lets get a review on this from Taste Masters Admin and Python

  • This is the perfect tobacco for holiday’s season. I’ll buy it at December 2011… 😉