E. Roberts Kermit the Frog may seem the unlikeliest of inspirations for an article about the pipe-smoking hobby, but bear with me here. Though Kermit is more of a cigar […]
Read moreKevin Godbee Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Thursday at 8 pm […]
Read moreE. Roberts “The question everyone has is: Will the old Lane blends come back? If I have anything to do with it (and it’s kind of my job), the answer […]
Read moreKevin Godbee Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Thursday at 8 pm […]
Read moreE. Roberts How cold is it outside? So cold that lawyers have their hands in their own pockets. So cold that NJ Governor Chris Christie was able to single-handedly use […]
Read moreFred Brown Here is the irony: In a time when the nation is legalizing marijuana, it is demonizing tobacco. In a time when marijuana’s drawbacks are being overlooked, or just […]
Read morePipesMagazine.com Cartoon Caption Contest Sponsored by SmokingPipes.com & Savinelli Welcome to the February 2014 Cartoon Caption Contest. Cartoonist Jerry King creates pipe cartoons exclusively for PipesMagazine.com every month. Each month, […]
Read moreSteve Morrisette This column is about Gentleman’s Style and it’s various forms of expression as they intersect the experiences of pipe smokers and all lovers of fine tobaccos. Why a […]
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